Status Report (16 August 2019)
Busy week at the office – I’ve been teaching a course most of the week – so not much time or energy left over for writing or world-building work. I’ve been plugging away at my regional map, at least.
As time permits, one thing I’ve been tinkering with is an application of the draft Architect of Worlds material to design an alternate Solar System for the world where The Curse of Steel takes place. I want the setting to be just a little exotic; just as this alternate Earth has different geography, different landforms and seas than ours, I also want it to have a different sky. To this end, I’ve designed a primary star almost identical to Sol, and a habitable world almost identical to Earth, so that the day-to-day environment isn’t clearly alien – but the system is otherwise different in a lot of details.
More detail on that design later. For today, I’ll note that in conjunction with this work, I’ve been using a virtual-planetarium application that I highly recommend: Space Engine.
Space Engine has been in development for several years, almost entirely by the Russian astronomer Vladimir Romanyuk, although he recently released a beta of the application on Steam to raise money for further development. It’s unique in that the entire universe notionally resides in the engine – while the vast majority of it is procedurally generated, known stars, exoplanets, and so on are also in the engine’s catalogs. It’s a great toy for exploring the universe from the comfort of your desktop.
It’s also not all that difficult to insert your created star systems and worlds into the Space Engine catalogs, and have the engine render them in place in the virtual universe. Space Engine uses somewhat different world-building assumptions than I do, but the differences are pretty minimal. It’s not at all difficult to take the results of work with Architect of Worlds and drop them into the Space Engine universe. So I’ve done that, with the intention that I’ll be able to use the simulation to determine what the sky looks like at any given point of the story.
For example, here’s a rough-draft render of the alternate Earth where Kráva lives and will have her adventures. Really astute observers might be able to figure out about where I’ve placed her world in the real galaxy:

I think it’s possible to create new planetary textures and bump-maps for created worlds in the engine, but that’s beyond me so far, so the landforms you see here are not definitive. Still, I can “land” the viewpoint on the planet at any given point in latitude, longitude, and time, and see what a character standing at that spot would see in the sky. For example, here’s an early-evening image from a latitude roughly equivalent to where the story begins:

The bright object low on the horizon is the system’s secondary star, a red dwarf orbiting at a comfortable distance of 100 AU or so. Brighter than our own Moon, it doesn’t wax and wane, and I think it may even be circumpolar so it’s always visible in the northern hemisphere. Handy for characters who need to move around at night!
Space Engine can do a lot of things for me – model an alien sky consistently and in great detail, tell me with a mouse click what apparent magnitude objects might have, and so on. For a few hours of investment, I can include the kind of exotic but consistent astronomical perspectives that (e.g.) Tolkien needed endless painstaking pencil-and-paper work to provide.
More about all this later, if and when it seems appropriate while I work on the story. I must say, though, it’s nice to find tools that can make the obsessive world-builder’s attention-to-detail easier.