Four Heroes for The One Ring

I’ve been rather badly under the weather for the past few days, and not inclined to work too hard. Today, to take a break from outstanding projects, I decided to sit down and tinker with a recent purchase: the second edition of The One Ring, possibly the best tabletop RPG ever published set in Tolkien’s Middle-earth.
The four starting heroes I drew up this afternoon are based on characters I ran in the Lord of the Rings Online MMO years ago. Leonore and Morlindiel are taken almost directly from the online game, Reinald is a looser adaptation of another online character, whereas Náli is more or less original to today’s effort. In any case, I think this group would make a pretty decent starting party for the tabletop game.
I don’t know what, if anything, I’m going to do with these characters. I’ve been known to write some Tolkien fan-fiction in the past, but in recent years I’ve been trying to get away from fan-fic in favor of original work. Still, the new edition of The One Ring has certainly attracted my interest. I may even go looking for a group to play the new game with . . . in my copious free time.
Anyway, without further ado, here’s a small band of adventurers, ready to set out into the wilds of Eriador in the decades leading up to the War of the Ring.
Leonore Rushlight
Leonore is the daughter and only child of an alderman of Bree. Her parents took the unusual step of educating her as best they could, even acquiring books for her to read. She grew up rather quiet and thoughtful, and the other Bree-folk think her a bit strange, but she has already learned as much about the true history of Middle-earth as any of her people. Recently she met Gandalf the Grey at the Prancing Pony. Her long conversations with the wizard have encouraged her to seek out knowledge wherever she can find it, even if it means leaving the safety of Bree far behind.
Culture – Men of Bree
Blessing – Bree-blood (+1 Fellowship Rating)
Calling – Scholar
Standard of Living – Common
Distinctive Features – Fair-spoken, Subtle, and Rhymes of Lore
Shadow Path – Lure of Secrets
Flaws –
Rewards – Cunning Make (Leather Corslet)
Virtues – Confidence
Strength 3 (TN 17) | Endurance 23 | Valour 1 |
Heart 4 (TN 16) | Hope 16 | Wisdom 1 |
Wits 7 (TN 13) | Parry 17 |
Awe 0 | Enhearten 2 | Persuade 2 |
Athletics 1 | Travel 1 | Stealth 1 |
Awareness 1 | Insight 2 | Scan 1 |
Hunting 1 | Healing 2 | Explore 1 |
Song 1 | Courtesy 3 | Riddle 2 (Favored) |
Craft 2 (Favored) | Battle 1 | Lore 3 (Favored) |
Combat Proficiencies
- Axes 2
- Bows 1
- Spears 0
- Swords 0
- Treasure – 30
- Axe (Damage 5, Injury 18, 2 Load)
- Bow (Damage 3, Injury 14, 2 Load)
- Leather Corslet (Protection 2d, 4 Load, Cunning Make)
- Travelling Gear, balm to soothe pain (Healing), book of history (Lore)
- Pony (Vigour 1)
Morlindiel is a latter-day Elf, descended from Sindar who survived the fall of Thingol’s kingdom in the Elder Days. She has many years of experience as a ranger in the wilderness, protecting the Grey Havens and the borders of the dwindling Elf-realm of Lindon. In recent years she has taken to wandering far and wide across the lands of Eriador, sensing that great events are stirring and there may yet be a part for Elves to play. She has just arrived in Bree, only to meet Gandalf the Grey and a young woman named Leonore, soon becoming snarled in an adventure.
Culture – Elves of Lindon
Blessing – Elven-skill (Spend 1 Hope to gain a Magical success on a skill roll)
Calling – Champion
Standard of Living – Frugal
Distinctive Features – Keen-eyed, Swift, and Orc-lore
Shadow Path – Curse of Vengeance
Flaws – The Long Defeat (Lose maximum 1 Shadow during Fellowship Phase)
Rewards – Close-fitting (Leather Corslet)
Virtues – Mastery
Strength 5 (TN 15) | Endurance 25 | Valour 1 |
Heart 4 (TN 16) | Hope 12 | Wisdom 1 |
Wits 5 (TN 15) | Parry 17 |
Awe 2 | Enhearten 1 | Persuade 0 |
Athletics 2 (Favored) | Travel 2 (Favored) | Stealth 3 |
Awareness 2 | Insight 0 | Scan 0 |
Hunting 3 (Favored) | Healing 1 | Explore 1 (Favored) |
Song 2 (Favored) | Courtesy 0 | Riddle 0 |
Craft 2 | Battle 0 | Lore 3 |
Combat Proficiencies
- Axes 0
- Bows 2
- Spears 0
- Swords 1
- Treasure – 0
- Sword (Damage 4, Injury 16, 2 Load)
- Great Bow (Damage 4, Injury 16, 4 Load)
- Leather Corslet (Protection 2d+2, 6 Load, Close-fitting)
- Travelling Gear, knife for skinning and cleaning game (Hunting)
Náli Silvertongue
Náli was born in the Iron Hills, moving to the renewed kingdom of Erebor after the death of the Dragon. There he has prospered, serving as an envoy and trade representative for King Dáin Ironfoot. Náli left Erebor early this year, traveling with a company of Dwarves on their way to the old mines in the Blue Mountains. On the journey, he met and befriended Reinald of Dale. Now that the Dwarf-caravan has reached Bree safely, Náli seems prepared to join Reinald on any adventures he might find.
Culture – Dwarves of Durin’s Folk
Blessing – Redoubtable (Halve the Load of any armor or helm, rounded up)
Calling – Messenger
Standard of Living – Prosperous
Distinctive Features – Fierce, Proud, and Folk-lore
Shadow Path – Wandering-madness
Flaws – Naugrim (Cannot use great bow, great spear, or great shield)
Rewards – Grievous (Great Axe)
Virtues – Hardiness
Strength 7 (TN 13) | Endurance 31 | Valour 1 |
Heart 3 (TN 17) | Hope 11 | Wisdom 1 |
Wits 4 (TN 16) | Parry 14 |
Awe 2 | Enhearten 1 | Persuade 1 |
Athletics 1 | Travel 3 (Favored) | Stealth 1 |
Awareness 0 | Insight 0 | Scan 3 |
Hunting 0 | Healing 0 | Explore 2 |
Song 1 (Favored) | Courtesy 3 (Favored) | Riddle 2 |
Craft 2 | Battle 2 | Lore 1 |
Combat Proficiencies
- Axes 2
- Bows 0
- Spears 1
- Swords 0
- Treasure – 90
- Great Axe (Damage 8, Injury 20, 4 Load, Grievous)
- Short Spear (Damage 3, Injury 14, 2 Load, can be thrown)
- Coat of Mail (Protection 4d, 6 Load)
- Helm (Protection +1d, 2 Load)
- Travelling Gear, fiddle (Song), fine tools for personal grooming (Courtesy), magnifying glass (Scan)
- Pony (Vigour 2)
Reinald of Dale
Reinald comes from a prosperous trading family in Dale. As a younger son, he was never likely to inherit a big share in the family trade, so he sought out a position as one of King Bard’s huscarls instead. He served the king for several years, earning experience as a warrior and war-captain. Early this year, he (apparently) left the king’s service to join a band of Dwarves traveling to their old dwellings in the far-off Blue Mountains. During the journey, he met and befriended Náli Silvertongue. Now that the Dwarves have arrived safely in Bree, Reinald has left their company, and intends to seek adventure in the lands of Eriador.
Culture – Bardings
Blessing – Stout-hearted (Valour rolls are Favored)
Calling – Captain
Standard of Living – Prosperous
Distinctive Features – Bold, Generous, and Leadership
Shadow Path – Lure of Power
Flaws –
Rewards – Fell (Sword)
Virtues – Dour-handed (+1 damage on a Heavy Blow)
Strength 6 (TN 14) | Endurance 26 | Valour 1 |
Heart 6 (TN 14) | Hope 14 | Wisdom 1 |
Wits 2 (TN 18) | Parry 14 |
Awe 1 | Enhearten 2 (Favored) | Persuade 3 |
Athletics 1 (Favored) | Travel 1 | Stealth 0 |
Awareness 1 | Insight 2 | Scan 1 |
Hunting 2 | Healing 0 | Explore 1 |
Song 1 | Courtesy 2 | Riddle 0 |
Craft 1 | Battle 3 (Favored) | Lore 1 |
Combat Proficiencies
- Axes 0
- Bows 1
- Spears 0
- Swords 3
- Treasure – 90
- Sword (Damage 4, Injury 18, 2 Load, Fell)
- Bow (Damage 3, Injury 14, 2 Load)
- Mail-shirt (Protection 3d, 9 Load)
- Shield (Parry +2, 4 Load)
- Travelling Gear, coil of rope for climbing (Athletics), lodestone (Travel), fine pipe for relaxation (Insight)
- Pony (Vigour 2)