I’ve been blocked on my major literary project in the fantasy genre for over a year now. I did manage to write one piece of short fiction in the Krava’s Legend series, but the second novel hasn’t budged in a long time. Not sure what’s up with that – I have some notion of where the story needs to go – but I’m just not feeling the story the way I did with The Curse of Steel.
Meanwhile, a few days ago I went back and re-read what I had written of my novel Twice-Crowned, which I last worked on in about 2019. It’s about 22,000 words so far, and I find it’s actually pretty good for a rough draft.
Twice-Crowned is a bit of alternate-historical fantasy. It’s set in a world that looks a lot like Classical Greece, but with a few supernatural elements folded in, and a big point-of-divergence that is bending the course of history away from what we’re familiar with.
The notion is that there was a survival of the civilization we call “Minoan,” which got away from the sack of Crete by proto-Greeks and set up an enclave in the west. Where our history put the city-state of Syracuse, this alternate timeline has a city called Danassos. It’s a lot like other Hellenic poleis, with the very prominent exception that women are full citizens, holding property and exercising their own political rights and privileges. In one sense it’s a world-building exercise – how can I come up with a culture that’s plausibly Classical Greek and yet has the very non-Hellenic feature of (relative) gender equality? What consequences would that be likely to have as the history of the period unfolds?
I’ve been moved to spend a few days working on back story and research, with the result that I’ve got a fairly substantial timeline document and the start of some notes on how this imaginary society works. I think by this evening I’m going to package some of that up as a free release for my patrons, just to drum up a little interest in the project. Once that’s done, I need to get back to work on Architect of Worlds over the rest of June.
In the long run, I think Twice-Crowned may become my main literary project for the next few months, taking the place of The Sunlit Lands. Maybe if I can get that novel finished, I can come back to Krava’s Legend with fresh eyes.