Aminata Ndoye

Here’s a first cut at a Human Destiny character under the evolving Basic Roleplaying (BRP) design. This is my occasional protagonist, Aminata Ndoye, as she first appears in the novelette “Pilgrimage.” At this point she is sixteen years old, having just finished her primary education, and she is starting to consider what she plans to do with her life.
Aminata Ndoye
- Female human, age 16
- Height 1.72 m, mass 60 kg
- Deep brown skin, dark brown eyes, close-cropped black hair, solid athletic build
- Resident of Dakar, Haute-Guinée du Nord
- Mixed Wolof and Egyptian Arab descent
- Sunni Muslim with Sufi influences
- Social Standing: 22% (Gold card)
- STR 13 (Effort roll 65%)
- CON 14 (Stamina roll 70%)
- SIZ 12
- INT 17 (Idea roll 85%)
- POW 12 (Luck roll 60%)
- DEX 16 (Agility roll 80%)
- CHA 13 (Charm roll 65%)
- EDU 11 (Knowledge roll 55%)
Damage Modifier: +1d4
Hit Points: 13
Fatigue Points: 27
Power Points: 12
Experience Bonus: +9%
Movement (MOV): 10 units/round
Only those skills that have been improved from their default value (based on skill base values and category bonuses) are specifically listed here.
- Communication Skills (+9%)
- Language
- Wolof (native) 90%
- Arabic 40%
- French 60%
- Persuade 50%
- Language
- Manipulation Skills (+10%)
- Mental Skills (+8%)
- Knowledge (Literature) 20%
- Science (Astronomy) 30%
- Technical (Computer Use) 40%
- Perception Skills (+10%)
- Physical Skills (+7%)
- Pilot (Small Aircraft) 30%
- Combat Skills (+10%)
Personality Traits
- Sympátheia – 60% kosmos, 40% khaos
- Logismós – 70% kosmos, 30% khaos
- Prónoia – 50% kosmos, 50% khaos
- Prokopé – 50% kosmos, 50% khaos
- Andreía – 70% kosmos, 30% khaos
- Evexía – 50% kosmos, 50% khaos
General Commentary
In my opinion, this exercise didn’t turn out too badly. It took me maybe an hour to draw up this character, and that’s with me being out of practice with BRP character design and without a paper character sheet to work with.
At this point in her life Aminata is clearly very talented and she has started to develop some skills, but she is far from being a world-class expert on anything. She’s just the equivalent of a precocious high-school student, after all. Her personality traits seem reasonable – Aminata tends to be cool and rational, but she has a sympathetic streak, and she’s also quite brave in a tight situation.
This would be a good example of a very young Human Destiny character with exceptional characteristic rolls, just starting out on an adventuring career. I’m thinking that the character-design rules are on the right track so far.