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Month: June 2024

Status Report (20 June 2024)

Status Report (20 June 2024)

I spent the first half of June mostly working on tasks for my day job, and collecting notes for the Fourth Millennium universe. A lot of those notes are going into a specially designed Notion database. If I can figure out how to share that out in read-only form, as a flat document or as an online wiki, I’ll make it available for patrons and readers as a free release before the end of this month.

Meanwhile, earlier this week I had an inspiration for a story set in the Fourth Millennium timeline. Specifically, a story about the death of Alexander the Great and its immediate consequences, but with a number of alternate-historical details to lead the event in a different direction than happened in the Original History. I took a couple of days to work through the details in my head, and then I started writing. So far I’ve been knocking out at least a thousand words per day on that story. Best guess is that it will end up novelette length before it’s finished, and it’s likely to serve as a charged release for my patrons by the end of the month.

Progress! It’s nice to get back to work on a project that’s been lying fallow for a long time – my creative process seems to need that kind of refreshment every now and then.

Planning for June 2024

Planning for June 2024

May was a pretty big month. The final round of edits for Architect of Worlds is done, and the book is well and truly on the market. PDF sales are under way, and I’ve been hearing about sightings of the hardcopy book in the wild, although I haven’t personally seen it yet. I pulled together a submission package for the “Human Destiny” setting for the Chaosium design challenge. I also finished my university courses for the year, and although I haven’t seen my final grades yet, I’m reasonably confident I passed both courses “with distinction.”

That closes out one of the more demanding years I’ve ever had in my life. Starting last June I’ve had a flooded basement (which pushed me out of my usual living quarters and office space), some pretty extensive home repairs, an infestation of mice, yet another flooding incident (this time on the upper floors of the house), a nasty outbreak of office politics, and the biggest course-development project on the shortest time-scale I’ve ever had to work on. Amid all of this, it’s been a bit of a challenge to take on an aggressive course of university study and keep pushing my creative projects forward.

So, now that I’ve reached the summer of 2024 with my sanity more or less intact, I think I’m going to pivot to something different for the next few months. I’ve barely touched my Fourth Millennium or “Danassos” universe in over a year, and that’s going to make for a nice change of pace.

What will that involve? Well, I’m almost certainly going to get back to working on Twice-Crowned, my half-finished novel set in Danassos and Athens in the time of the Second Peloponnesian War. I also have a couple pieces of short fiction in the back of my mind, and I might try to get those into readable form. Finally, I think I’ll work on the Fourth Millennium back story timeline a bit, and start collecting notes for what may one day be a setting bible and tabletop RPG supplement for the universe.

None of which is to say that I’m not going to work on plausible interstellar world-building or the “Human Destiny” future history any more. Just that I feel the need to take a break from those for at least 2-3 months and see if I can make progress on some other projects.

So, here’s the planning roster for June:

  • Front Burner:
    • Fourth Millennium: Resume work on the new draft of Twice-Crowned.
    • Fourth Millennium: Resume work to rebuild the alternate-historical timeline.
    • Fourth Millennium: Write at least one short story set somewhere in the timeline.
  • Back Burner:
    • Human Destiny: Write a new Aminata Ndoye story, set when she’s about seventeen years old and attending an academy for officer candidates for the interstellar service.
    • Human Destiny: Continue rewriting and adding to the setting bible (BRP sourcebook).
    • Great Lands: Begin work to revise the geography and back history of the setting.

As far as items for my patrons go: I’m going to work hard to have at least 10,000-20,000 words of new material down by the end of June, in which case there will be a charged release for my patrons. Most likely this will consist of some new fiction, and possibly the first stab at a Fourth Millennium setting bible. Look for a Status Report or two in the course of June.