Planning for July 2024

Planning for July 2024

June was a productive month. I made progress on building the Fourth Millennium timeline, especially using Notion to collect and organize all my notes. I also wrote a complete novelette, “Penthus at Bay,” from a standing start – over 15,000 words of new fiction set in the Fourth Millennium universe. All that and keeping up with my other commitments, too. Whew.

This month, I’m going to continue to focus on Fourth Millennium. I’m not planning to write any new fiction in July, unless a story idea really leaps out at me, but I’ll be continuing to push the timeline forward. I also plan to lay out the outline for the eventual Fourth Millennium setting-bible-slash-TTRPG-sourcebook, and possibly get started writing chunks of that.

Meanwhile, I have a few chores in relation to Architect of Worlds that need to be done, so that’s going on the agenda too.

Here’s the list:

  • Front Burner:
    • Fourth Millennium: Continue work to rebuild the alternate-historical timeline.
    • Fourth Millennium: Begin work to outline and write the setting bible (BRP sourcebook).
    • Architect of Worlds: Deal with outstanding reader comments and errata, and finish setting up the page(s) for the book on this site.
  • Back Burner:
    • Fourth Millennium: Resume work on the new draft of Twice-Crowned.
    • Human Destiny: Write a new Aminata Ndoye story, set when she’s about seventeen years old and attending an academy for officer candidates for the interstellar service.
    • Human Destiny: Continue rewriting and adding to the setting bible (BRP sourcebook).
    • Great Lands: Begin work to revise the geography and back history of the setting.

For my patrons: At the moment, I’m skeptical as to whether I’ll have enough genuinely new material to justify a charged release in July. Some combination of new Fourth Millennium timeline material and the first interim draft of the setting bible might reach the threshold, but we’ll see. Watch this space for status reports.

3 thoughts on “Planning for July 2024

  1. As a thing, you might want to put up pdfs of the worksheets somewhere – maybe as part of the products – for Architect of Worlds

    1. Actually, Ken Burnside and I talked about doing that – making just the worksheet pages available as a free PDF download, on the Ad Astra site at least and maybe on DTRPG as well. Thanks for reminding me, I’ll have a word with Ken and see if we can get that set up.

      1. Makes sense. You might want to add a eccentricity field to the worksheet for Planetary Sheet Worksheet

        But glad to hear it’s on your radar!

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