Planning for August 2024

Planning for August 2024

I spent most of July building out the alternate-historical timeline for Fourth Millennium, by playing through several of my tabletop historical-simulation games and compiling logs of the results. That effort is basically complete, although it didn’t generate much finished material so I didn’t have a patron release for July.

August is going to be a different matter!

I plan to spend most of this month on Fourth Millennium again, and this time I have a specific plan in mind, which will likely result in some solid material for my patrons and readers. I also need to do some maintenance work for Architect of Worlds, and get started on some prep work for Travellercon in early October. All that is more than enough for the next few weeks, so some of my other projects are going to be pushed off the raft for the time being.

So here’s the list for the coming month:

  • Front Burner:
    • Fourth Millennium: Produce an initial outline for the setting bible (BRP sourcebook).
    • Fourth Millennium: Write a summary of the alternate history.
    • Fourth Millennium: Produce a master map for the setting, covering the Mediterranean world with terrain features, political borders, and the most significant cities all marked.
    • Fourth Millennium: Write a gazetteer of major regions in the setting, tied to the master map.
    • Architect of Worlds: Finish setting up the page(s) for the book on this site.
    • Architect of Worlds: Start making at least one post per month (errata, edge cases, new material) supporting the book.
  • Back Burner:
    • Travellercon: Begin designing the scenario for the adventure “Raid on Markidu.”
    • Travellercon: Begin setup work for the Architect of Worlds world-building workshop.

All this work for Fourth Millennium is very likely to amount to more than enough new material for me to consider making a charged release for my patrons, so look out for that at the end of August. Meanwhile, the material I produce for Travellercon will also be a patron release at some point, whether part of a free or charged release remains to be seen.

Looks like it’s going to be a very busy month. Not a problem I mind having, as long as I can keep up with my other commitments at the same time.

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