Planning for October 2024

Planning for October 2024

September was mostly about getting ready for Travellercon. I made a lot of the necessary progress for that, but there’s still a fair amount to get done and only a few days left to do it. It didn’t help that I was dealing with some minor health issues throughout September – nothing life-threatening, but several bouts of minor illness that were kind of distracting.

Between today and 10 October I need to get one last tranche of writing done for the day-job project that’s been taking up my time for over a year now, and get a bit of work done for the coming year’s courses at the Open University, and get everything squared away for Travellercon. So if you’re in my queue for any other action at the moment, you may need to cultivate patience until I get back from Lancaster in a couple of weeks.

Once Travellercon is over, I’ll have a little follow-up work to do for that, and I have some other items that need attention too. In particular, I owe some responses to the developer of a draft automation scheme for Architect of Worlds, which is looking very encouraging. My guess is that I won’t be getting back to serious work on (e.g.) Fourth Millenium until late in October. My patrons can therefore expect another month of no charged release, and we’ll re-evaluate in November.

One possibility is that I may take the second half of October and make a full-court press to get more of my back catalog of fiction edited, turned into e-books, and dropped into my Kofi site’s catalog. If I can get a good chunk of work done on that effort, I may be ready to start migrating patrons over to Kofi by sometime in November, when the subscription schemes start changing on Patreon.

No formal list of projects for this month. The above should give you a good idea what’s on my agenda at the moment, and the priority order for all of it.

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