Planning (sort of) for March 2025
Very short planning message this month, because I’m honestly finding it difficult to plan creative work more than a few days in advance right now. For anyone who’s getting impatient, my apologies and things are likely to improve dramatically after 16 May.
My current primary objectives, assuming I find the time and serenity for them, are to (1) knock out one or two more star-system writeups for the Human Destiny setting, and (2) maybe pull together some more notes for the Human Destiny RPG sourcebook. On that second item, I’ve got a fairly complete set of character-design rules in the back of my head, and I think they hold together pretty well, it’s just a matter of getting them down on paper.
Meanwhile, my “writing fan-fiction for therapy” pseudo-project isn’t going too badly. About 21,500 words of new prose in the past two weeks, which isn’t bad at all for something I’m just doing in odd moments. I’d almost forgotten how smoothly the prose can flow when you’re playing in someone else’s sandbox. I’ve decided against posting any of that work to my Ko-fi, since fan-fiction really shouldn’t be allowed that close to even small amounts of actual money, but if anyone’s interested here are a couple links:
Some more things developing on the back burner, but better to discuss those when they’ve taken shape a bit more fully. Also, when I’m out from under my current employment and can start enjoying retired life. Two months and seven days . . .