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Rethinking the Human Destiny Universe

Rethinking the Human Destiny Universe

My Human Destiny universe has a fairly long history, for a setting that’s only had a few stories published in it.

Back around 2005-2006, I was working with James Cambias to write a new edition of the Space sourcebook for the Steve Jackson Games GURPS roleplaying game. One of the original plans for that book was for us to write three short treatments for space settings, as extended worked examples. One of those treatments was to be set after a more-or-less-benevolent alien empire had conquered Earth and integrated humanity into their civilization as a (very junior) partner.

In the end, the book was so over-stuffed with other material that those three setting treatments never got written. The only visible remnant of that specific setting is in the vignette that Jim wrote for Chapter 7 in the published book. Yet the idea stuck with me.

Over time, I developed the idea for the Khedai Hegemony setting, or what I more generically call the Human Destiny universe. The idea remains the same: about a generation from now, at the point where we humans seem about to wreck our home-world and end civilization for good, an alien interstellar empire suddenly arrives and conquers Earth.

The Hegemony turns out to be a highly competent overlord, reasonable and benevolent, and majestically impartial in how it treats all humans. Humans are not enslaved, nor are the resources of Earth or the Sol system plundered. If anything, most humans come to enjoy a standard of living and even a degree of personal freedom unprecedented in our history. The only thing of which we are deprived is our right to choose our own collective destiny. Like it or not, we are now bound to a vast interstellar culture that has its own governance and its own purposes . . . and what that means for us in the long term is not at all clear, because the Hegemony steadfastly refuses to reveal its motives, the reasons for why it rules us the way it does.

I have to admit, this universe tends to get more attention from me at times when we humans seem to be having a lot of trouble getting our act together. I did a lot of worldbuilding in this setting in 2014-2018, and that was also when I wrote most of the finished fiction that’s so far been set there. I also wrote a lot of setting material for the beginnings of a “bible” and possible RPG sourcebook. Then, for several years I spent most of my time on Architect of Worlds, and development of Human Destiny slowed.

Of course, human folly seems to be on the march again of late, so my Muse has been focusing on this universe again. My taste in interstellar-fiction settings has changed a bit, though, and so I’m considering making some significant changes to this universe before I publish more material for it.

This blog post should serve as a tentative summary of how “new Human Destiny” (2025 and onward) is likely to be different from “old Human Destiny” (the setting as I developed it in the 2014-2018 timeframe).

Structure of Interstellar Societies

My original concept for the Khedai Hegemony, the interstellar empire that integrates humanity into its rule, was that it would occupy a rough sphere about 500 light-years across, with Sol at its rimward edge. The khedai themselves, the dominant species of the hegemony, would occupy thousands of worlds of their own, and would have roughly 15-20 client civilizations at any one time. Beyond the borders of the Hegemony would be two or three rival cultures, and a great deal of howling wilderness. An unwritten implication was that humans were very fortunate that the Hegemony was in a position to notice our existence before we drove ourselves into extinction.

For a variety of reasons, I’ve decided to move to a model for interstellar cultures in which the Galaxy is fairly well-known, if not fully explored at any given time.

The purpose of interstellar civilizations like the Hegemony is to “rescue” new cultures from a Gaian bottleneck – the fact that young high-technology civilizations almost invariably drive themselves into extinction, by failing to manage their own ecosphere properly, before reaching a stable plateau. Why existing interstellar civilizations bother doing this is an enigma that is not explained to young client cultures like humanity.

In any case, interstellar civilization in the Galaxy is very old – billions of years old – and very little of the Galaxy can be considered uncharted wilderness. A typical star system will be left “fallow” for many millions of years at a time, unvisited but loosely monitored from afar. A new techno-culture like 21st-century humanity won’t appear without being noticed, triggering an intervention from the closest patron civilization. Instead of having a compact sphere of control, the Hegemony is in charge of a substantial stretch of the Orion Spur.

I’m also leaning toward making the khedai themselves a bit more enigmatic. Instead of occupying thousands of their own worlds, they’re more or less nomadic, only a few of them living in any given star system at a time. They’re the ultimate decision-makers for their Hegemony, but the work of exploring and possibly colonizing the stars is left for the younger client civilizations.

Interstellar Travel

One major change is that I’ve decided to drop the notion that starships can manage FTL travel on their own. The old setting had something like the Alcubierre warp drive, but over time I’m finding that less attractive as a model.

Instead, I’m leaning toward a bimodal distribution for interstellar travel.

A very few star systems in the Galaxy – fully civilized systems, with high population densities and full technological development – will be linked by a network of artificial wormholes. Sol will be linked into this network, as of slightly before the conquest of Earth. The network provides “shortcuts,” allowing ships to sidestep dozens or hundreds of light-years of normal space at a time. Travel times are short, and there’s no time-dilation effect. Human adventurers might be able to visit the great worlds of the Hegemony and return home again, all without getting too far out of synch with the home-world clock.

However, building a wormhole bridge into the network is horrendously expensive, even by the Hegemony’s standards. It requires enormous “fixed” facilities that can only be built and supported in a well-established star system.

Exploring and colonizing new worlds has to be done using a near-light-speed drive that allows starships to maintain normal-space velocities just below those of a photon. Traveling aboard these ships, your subjective clock may only register a few days or weeks between stars, but you’ll slip out of synch with the home-world clock. Fly to Alpha Centauri for a three-or-four-month mission, and it will feel to you like just a few months away, but when you get back to Earth you’ll find that nine years have passed. For a science-fictional reference, consider Poul Anderson’s novel Starfarers.

The effect this gives me is that those humans who go on exploration or colonization ventures are going to end up isolated from home-world society over time. Going to the stars will mean a significant sacrifice, and most humans won’t be motivated to do it. It fits some of the themes I’m after.

Incidentally, I’m thinking that travel through normal space will be taken care of by an effective reactionless drive, of which the near-light-speed star drive is an ultimate development. No rockets! On the other hand, I’m seriously considering forbidding any kind of “artificial gravity” inside a ship or station. The reactionless drive affects the entire ship as a unit, so even when it’s accelerating through space the crew and passengers are effectively in free fall. Unless the ship has a spin habitat, of course.

What About Those Wormholes?

Recently I was thinking about those “star bridges” based on wormholes, when I realized that a very similar technology could solve another problem I was having with this setting: the assumption that conquered Earth would be under almost constant and universal surveillance by the Hegemony.

The idea here is reminiscent of Isaac Asimov’s short story “The Dead Past,” or the more recent novel The Light of Other Days by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter. In the novel in particular, microscopic wormholes become an effective surveillance method. Anyone can watch any point in the world at any given time, and privacy becomes a thing of the past. The wormhole technology can also be used to view locations very distant from Earth, and (due to an equivalence between distance in space and in time) it becomes a past-viewer as well. The novel examines the implications of both a loss of privacy and complete access to the historical past.

Great! So let’s assume that the Hegemony has access to similar technology, and applies it in several different ways:

  • As an “ansible” communicator, tying starships and colony worlds into a real-time communications network. The colony on Alpha Centauri may be four-plus years away by travel time, but messages can still be pushed back and forth with minimal delay. The bandwidth limits on this remain to be determined. One limitation is that a starship in flight can’t maintain its wormhole connection back to home base, but has to re-establish a connection once it reaches its destination. Another limitation is that these “ansible” connections require a substantial facility at each end – so we have no hand-held devices reaching directly across light-years.
  • As a remote viewer, which doesn’t require a facility at both ends, but in this case information only flows one way (from the remote point to the viewer). The required facilities are pretty massive and require a ton of computational power, so one person (or one starship) can’t carry the necessary equipment. Even a colony world can’t manage it. On the other hand, a high-population world like Earth can use remote viewing to place everyone on the planet under constant surveillance. The same facilities can monitor locations in deep space out to a few hundred light-years, and can also delve a few centuries into the local past. This is used to carry out low-level monitoring of nearby “fallow” star systems, and to do historical research.
  • Given a truly enormous investment in energy and computational power, a wormhole connecting two remote points in space can be forced open wide enough to permit the passage of spaceships, and then wedged permanently open. These are the star-bridges mentioned earlier.

Rewriting Existing Stories

I think the changes I’ve outlined above actually support the themes I want for the setting a little better than the “old” assumptions did. There are still a bunch of details to be worked out, probably in my next revision of the setting bible over the next few months.

I can see a few places where some of the existing fiction in this setting will need to be reworked. I think the novelette “Pilgrimage” needs only some minor adjustments, but the novella “In the House of War” will need a substantive rewrite.

More broadly, I’ve been working out a “future history” of human exploration of the interstellar neighborhood, along with a detailed “career profile” for my protagonist Aminata Ndoye, based on the new assumptions. That should help guide a rewrite of the existing stories, as I pull them down from Amazon KDP and republish them to my Ko-fi shop. It will also give me a framework on which to hang more stories.

More to come over the next few months. I foresee Human Destiny being the main focus of my effort for at least the first half of 2025.

A Hero for the John Carter of Mars RPG

A Hero for the John Carter of Mars RPG

As of today, I’m suddenly enjoying an outbreak of freedom. I’ve finished my work on university courses for this academic year, and all my major creative projects with deadlines are done too. I still have a pile of work to do for the office, but other than that I’m remarkably uncommitted for the next few months.

So this evening I decided to let my muse pester me a bit, and sat down to tinker with the John Carter of Mars RPG from Modiphius. What follows is a character who appeared unbidden in the back of my mind a few days ago. I’m still trying to decide what to do with him. Some Edgar Rice Burroughs fan-fiction? Probably not, but we’ll see if my muse will let me leave this Verginian on the shelf . . .

Marcus Verginius

Disciplined Earthborn Soldier

Marcus Verginius is a very old man, although he does not know how old he is, for he remembers no childhood and has not aged as other men do. His earliest memories are of a farm in the Latin hills, in the time of the last war against Carthage. Whether he was born there or simply remembers living there long ago, he cannot be certain.

For as long as he can remember, Marcus has been a soldier, serving in the legions of the Roman Republic in war after war. Most recently, he was primus pilus and then praefectus castrorum in Legio XXVII, one of the legions raised by C. Julius Caesar for his war against the Pompeian faction. After Caesar left Egypt, the legion remained behind to support the rule of Rome’s ally, Queen Cleopatra VII.

A few months later, while leading a punitive expedition against Egyptian brigands, Marcus vanished and was never seen again (at least on Earth). Instead, after a bizarre adventure, Marcus found himself naked and alone on a strange world: on Barsoom, over 1900 Earth-years before the arrival of John Carter.


  • Daring: 7
  • Cunning: 4
  • Empathy: 3
  • Might: 8
  • Passion: 6
  • Reason: 6

Stress Trackers

  • Confusion: 6
  • Fear: 7
  • Injury: 8


Battle Valor (Grade 1)

You are a true warrior and steadfast soldier, at home in the chaos and carnage of war and always willing to meet your fate with sword and pistol in hand.

  • Circumstance: When suffering Fear damage in combat.
  • Effect: You may ignore the first 2 points of stress inflicted to your Fear stress track taken during combat. You suffer Fear damage normally after this during a combat scene or from other situations.

Break the Line (Grade 2)

Your skill with a sword is such that no lesser foe can hope to stand against you. In past battles, you have often been the first to break through an enemy’s line or shield-wall.

  • Circumstance: When wielding a sword.
  • Effect: You automatically defeat 2 minions as part of your action. You may spend additional Momentum to defeat more at the cost of 1 Momentum per additional minion.

Earthborn Strength (Grade 3)

You are tenacious and your Earthborn strength and years of experience give you a substantial edge in battle.

  • Circumstance: In melee combat.
  • Effect: You can always use Might for melee attack and defense and you do an additional 1 die of damage with melee attacks.

Leaps and Bounds (Grade 2)

Your Earthborn muscles allow you to leap great distances and perform great feats of strength while on Barsoom.

  • Circumstance: When moving on Barsoom and planets with similar gravity.
  • Effect: You may close one range category automatically, ignoring any obstacles or intervening terrain as long as you have clearance and space to leap between your starting point and destination. You may spend 1 Momentum to move an additional range category.

Logical Orator (Grade 2)

You have the benefits of a top-notch Greek education, and are accomplished at using both reason and rhetoric to convince others.

  • Circumstance: When attempting to persuade or convince an audience.
  • Effect: You can always use Reason to aid in a persuasive attempt. In addition, you can roll 1 bonus d20 on the test.


Code of Honor

You lose 3 Momentum if you break your word, refuse to defend the innocent form harm, or otherwise act dishonorably.

Renown and Accolades

Renown: 0

David Kano

David Kano

David Kano (150 points)

David Kano is in his late 30s, a burly man with dark skin, close-cropped black hair, and brown eyes.

  • ST 11 [10]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 12 [20].
  • Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 12 [0].
  • Basic Speed 5.5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]; Dodge 8.
  • 5’ 10”; 170 lbs.

Social Background

  • TL: 9 [0].
  • CF: Western (Native) [0].
  • Languages: English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0].


  • Military Rank 3 (World Space Commission) [15]; Wireless Neural Interface/TL9 – Telecommunication (Radio; Reduced Range, x1/10, -30%; Secure, +20%; Sensie, +80%) [17].


  • Bad Temper (12 or less, *1) [-10]; Light Sleeper [-5]; Low Empathy [-20]; Truthfulness (12 or less, *1) [-5].
  • Quirks: Proud; Refers to Computer as “she”; Tends to trust Computer’s output too far; Uncongenial; Uninterested in romance. [‑5]


Administration (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Astronomy/TL9 (Observational) (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Beam Weapons/TL9 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-10; Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-11; Computer Hacking/TL9 (VH) IQ-1 [4]-13; Computer Operation/TL9 (E) IQ+3 [8]-17; Computer Programming/TL9 (H) IQ+1 [8]-15; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Communications) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Sensors) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15; Electronics Repair/TL9 (Computers) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15; Free Fall (A) DX [2]-10; Games (Backgammon) (E) IQ [1]-14; Games (Chess) (E) IQ+1 [2]-15; Leadership (A) IQ-4 [1]-10 *; Mathematics/TL9 (Computer Science) (H) IQ-1 [2]-13; Navigation/TL9 (Space) (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Piloting/TL9 (High-Performance Spacecraft) (A) DX [2]-10; Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) IQ-3 [1]-11 *; Shiphandling/TL9 (Spaceship) (H) IQ-2 [1]-12; Spacer/TL9 (E) IQ [1]-14; Vacc Suit/TL9 (A) DX [2]-10.

* Includes -3 from Low Empathy.

Biographical Information

David Kano was born in 2011 in St. Andrew, Jamaica. He came from an impoverished family but showed considerable talent with computers at a very young age. He earned a full scholarship to study mathematics and computer science at Stanford University in California, earning his doctorate in 2043.

While at university, Kano became involved with early experiments in brain-computer interfaces. He volunteered to be one of three test subjects for a highly experimental wireless implant. The experiment was nearly a failure; the other two volunteers suffered severe neurological damage, but Kano emerged with the ability to interact with computers almost by instinct.

After earning his doctorate, Kano joined the World Space Commission and served in several postings on and near Earth. Early in 2049, he was transferred to Moonbase Alpha as the new head of the Technical Section.

Kano is a somewhat eccentric genius, very comfortable with computers and computer networks but awkward and standoffish with people. His colleagues in Main Mission rely on his technical skills, but he is rarely put in a command or leadership position.

Kano is very aware of his intellect and accomplishments; he sometimes loses patience with the slowness or clumsiness of others. He makes few friends and appears to have no interest in romantic attachments. He is quite fond of strategy games and sometimes challenges his colleagues to a round of backgammon or chess.

Sandra Benes

Sandra Benes

Sandra Benes (150 points)

Sandra Benes is in her mid-20s, petite, with a round face, black hair, and brown eyes.

  • ST 8 [-20]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 11 [10].
  • Damage 1d-3/1d-2; BL 13 lbs.; HP 8 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 11 [0].
  • Basic Speed 5.75 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]; Dodge 8.
  • 5’ 2”; 125 lbs.

Social Background

  • TL: 9 [0].
  • CF: East Asian [1]; South Asian [1]; Western (Native) [0].
  • Languages: Burmese (Accented; Spoken) [2]; English (Native; Native Language, -6) [0]; French (Accented) [4]; Hindi (Accented; Spoken) [2]; Mandarin (Accented; Spoken) [2]; Portuguese (Accented) [4].


  • Appearance (Attractive) [4]; Military Rank 3 (World Space Commission) [15].


  • Combat Paralysis [-15]; Curious (12 or less, *1) [-5]; Pacifism (Self-Defense Only) [-15]; Shyness (Mild) [-5].
  • Quirks: Attentive; Emotionally delicate; Imaginative; Nervous around doctors; Strong aesthetic sense. [‑5]


Administration (A) IQ [2]-14; Beam Weapons/TL9 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-12; Computer Operation/TL9 (E) IQ+1 [2]-15; Computer Programming/TL9 (H) IQ [4]-14; Electrician/TL9 (A) IQ [2]-14; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Communications) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Electronic Warfare) (A) IQ [2]-14; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Security) (A) IQ [2]-14; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Sensors) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Surveillance) (A) IQ [2]-14; Electronics Repair/TL9 (Communications) (A) IQ [2]-14; Electronics Repair/TL9 (Computers) (A) IQ [2]-14; Electronics Repair/TL9 (Sensors) (A) IQ [2]-14; Engineer/TL9 (Electronics) (H) IQ [4]-14; Free Fall (A) DX [2]-12; Linguistics (H) IQ-1 [2]-13; Literature (H) IQ-1 [2]-13; Mathematics/TL9 (Applied) (H) IQ-1 [2]-13; Poetry (A) IQ [2]-14; Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) IQ-1 [1]-13 *; Vacc Suit/TL9 (A) DX [2]-12; Writing (A) IQ [2]-14.

* Includes -1 from Shyness (Mild).

Biographical Information

Sandra Benes was born in 2023 in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei. Her father was the world-famous engineer and inventor Lawrence Benes, developer of the Interstellar Transmitter system for deep-space communications. Her mother was Nan Sanda, a Burmese journalist and poet.

As a young woman, Benes lived in many places around the world, speaking six languages fluently by the age of twelve. She studied electronics while working in her father’s lab, and earned a doctorate in electronic engineering from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) in 2048. Benes joined the World Space Commission early in 2049, and was quickly assigned to Moonbase Alpha as the new head of the Communications and Telemetry Section.

Benes is a brilliant and extremely competent technician, a talented natural linguist, and a self-taught expert in several fields of human literature. She has a strong aesthetic sense, and is often first of the Alphans to remark on the beauty to be found even amid the dangers of deep space. She tends to be underestimated in person; she is physically petite, and is rather shy and unassuming in social situations. She has been known to “freeze up” or faint outright when subjected to sudden stress or shock. Only when working in a professional capacity does she become assured and confident. Even so, she is a critical member of Alpha’s command crew, often involved in scientific investigations or first-contact situations.

Alan Carter

Alan Carter

Alan Carter (150 points)

Alan Carter is in his early 30s, with boyishly handsome features, light brown hair, and bright blue eyes.

  • ST 10 [0]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 10 [0].
  • Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 10 [0].
  • Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]; Dodge 9.
  • 5’ 6”; 160 lbs.

Social Background

  • TL: 9 [0].
  • CF: Western [0].
  • Languages: English (Native) [0].


  • Fearlessness 5 [10]; Military Rank (World Space Commission) 4 [20].


  • Code of Honor (Soldier’s) [-10]; Honesty (12 or less, *1) [-10]; Overconfidence (12 or less, *1) [-5]; Sense of Duty (Large Group; Moonbase Alpha Inhabitants) [-10]; Truthfulness (12 or less, *1) [-5].
  • Quirks: “Send me in, Commander!”; Aromantic (lost love); Cocky demeanor; Congenial; Proud. [‑5]


Astronomy/TL9 (Observational) (A) IQ-1 [1]-11; Beam Weapons/TL9 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-14; Beam Weapons/TL9 (Rifle) (E) DX [1]-14; Brawling (E) DX [1]-14; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-13; Computer Operation/TL9 (E) IQ [1]-12; Driving/TL9 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-13; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Communications) (A) IQ [2]-12; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Force Shields) (A) IQ [2]-12; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Sensors) (A) IQ [2]-12; Electronics Repair/TL9 (Communications) (A) IQ [2]-12; Electronics Repair/TL9 (Sensors) (A) IQ [2]-12; Engineer/TL9 (Spaceship) (H) IQ-1 [2]-11; Free Fall (A) DX [2]-14; Gunner/TL9 (Beams) (E) DX [1]-14; Leadership (A) IQ [2]-12; Mathematics/TL9 (Applied) (H) IQ-2 [1]-10; Navigation/TL9 (Space) (A) IQ [2]-12; Piloting/TL9 (Aerospace) (A) DX [2]-14; Piloting/TL9 (High-Performance Spacecraft) (A) DX+1 [4]-15; Piloting/TL9 (Light Airplane) (A) DX-1 [1]-13; Riding (Equines) (A) DX-1 [1]-13; Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) IQ [1]-12; Shiphandling/TL9 (Spaceship) (H) IQ [3]-12; Spacer/TL9 (E) IQ [1]-12; Survival (Plains) (A) Per [2]-12; Swimming (E) HT [1]-10; Tactics (H) IQ-2 [1]-10; Vacc Suit/TL9 (A) DX-1 [1]-13.

Biographical Information

Alan Carter was born in 2016 in Sydney, Australia. He grew up on an Australian cattle ranch, where he spent most of his time outdoors and on horseback. From an early age he demonstrated talent as a pilot, earning his license as a pre-teenager and flying his family’s light aircraft all over the country.

In 2034, Carter joined the Royal Australian Air Force, serving in the Pacific War and flying many combat missions. After the war he applied for an astronaut’s position with the US/Australian Space Cooperation Program, later serving in the World Space Commission. He advanced quickly, commanding the third manned Mars expedition in 2047. Early in 2049 he was assigned to Moonbase Alpha as the Reconnaissance Section lead, and was the lead candidate for command of the upcoming Meta expedition.

Carter is a superb athlete and pilot, a natural-born adventurer who is proud of his abilities. He insists on being the first to venture into any dangerous situation, and he has the skills and the sheer courage to survive them.

Although Carter is widely respected and admired among the Moonbase Alpha crew, he is not known to have any interest in romantic relationships; female (and male) crew members who sound him out are all politely rebuffed. In fact, Carter was bitterly heartbroken in his youth, when a young woman he passionately loved was killed in a terrorist attack. Unwilling to risk such a loss again, Carter has transferred his passions to adventure, flying, and protecting his friends and colleagues.

Paul Morrow

Paul Morrow

Paul Morrow (150 points)

Paul Morrow is in his early 30s, with handsome features, light brown hair, and brown eyes.

  • ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 12 [20].
  • Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 12 [0].
  • Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]; Dodge 9.
  • 6’ even; 165 lbs.

Social Background

  • TL: 9 [0].
  • CF: Western [0].
  • Languages: English (Native) [0].


  • Military Rank (World Space Commission) 4 [20].


  • Gregarious [-10]; Honesty (12 or less, *1) [-10]; Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]; Sense of Duty (Small Group; Friends and current love interest) [-5].
  • Quirks: Fond of playing the guitar; Homesick for Earth; Mild womanizer; Outspoken; Responsive. [‑5]


Accounting (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Administration (A) IQ+1 [4]-14; Astronomy/TL9 (Observational) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Beam Weapons/TL9 (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [2]-13; Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-14; Computer Operation/TL9 (E) IQ+1 [2]-14; Computer Programming/TL9 (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Driving/TL9 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-11; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Communications) (A) IQ [2]-13; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Security) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Sensors) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Free Fall (A) DX [2]-12; Gunner/TL9 (Beams) (E) DX [1]-12; Leadership (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Musical Instrument (Guitar) (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Navigation/TL9 (Space) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Piloting/TL9 (High-Performance Spacecraft) (A) DX+1 [4]-13; Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) IQ [1]-13; Shiphandling/TL9 (Spaceship) (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Spacer/TL9 (E) IQ [1]-13; Survival (Plains) (A) Per-1 [1]-12; Vacc Suit/TL9 (A) DX [2]-12.

Biographical Information

Paul Morrow was born in 2017 in London, in the United Kingdom. As a young man, he studied administration and data science at the Imperial College London. In his spare hours, he pursued music, women, and the occasional brawl in London’s pubs. Even so, by 2039 he earned a master’s degree with distinction. A lifelong interest in the space program led him to apply for a position with the new World Space Commission.

Morrow was first posted to Moonbase Alpha in 2043 as a senior administrator. By 2049, he had been promoted to Main Mission Controller, essentially the base’s second-in-command, serving first under Anton Gorski and then under John Koenig.

Morrow is a competent administrator, technician, and pilot. Despite his para-military position, he has the demeanor of a lifelong civilian. He has a habit of speaking his mind, and has more than once come into direct conflict with Commander Koenig. Even so, he is a valued member of the command staff, and the Commander relies on him in a crisis.

Morrow has settled down considerably since his wild days of youth, although he still enjoys playing cards or chess or making music. He is often engaged in a polite and discreet pursuit of one or another female colleague. Under the surface, he finds existence on the runaway Moon to be stifling and alienating. He is often homesick for Earth. Whenever the Moon passes an even remotely hospitable world, he is often a strong advocate for Operation Exodus – the abandonment of Alpha for a new settlement.

Victor Bergman

Victor Bergman

Victor Bergman (150 points)

Victor Bergman is in his late 50s, with a cheerful expression, receding black-and-silver hair, and grey eyes.

  • ST 9 [-10]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 10 [0].
  • Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.; HP 9 [0]; Will 15 [0]; Per 15 [0]; FP 10 [0].
  • Basic Speed 5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]; Dodge 8.
  • 5’9”; 145 lbs.

Social Background

  • TL: 9 [0].
  • CF: Western [0].
  • Languages: English (Native) [0]; French (Accented) [4].


  • Courtesy Rank 4 (World Space Commission) [4]; Fearlessness 3 [6]; Mathematical Ability 1 [10];  Reputation 2 (Celebrated scientist; All the time, *1; Almost everyone, *1) [10]; Single-Minded [5].


  • Pacifism (Self-Defense Only) [-15]; Vulnerability (Common; Electricity; x2, *1) [-30].
  • Quirks: Broad-Minded; Congenial; Convinced of a higher purpose; Hums or whistles while thinking; Likes fine cigars and brandy. [‑5]


Administration (A) IQ-1 [1]-14; Astronomy/TL9 (H) IQ+1 [4]-16 *; Beam Weapons/TL9 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-10; Chemistry/TL9 (H) IQ-2 [1]-13; Computer Operation/TL9 (E) IQ+1 [2]-16; Computer Programming/TL9 (H) IQ [4]-15; Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-14; Driving/TL9 (Automobile) (A) DX [1]-10; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Communications) (A) IQ [2]-15; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Scientific) (A) IQ [2]-15; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Sensors) (A) IQ [2]-15; Electronics Repair/TL9 (Force Shields) (A) IQ [2]-15; Electronics Repair/TL9 (Scientific) (A) IQ [2]-15; Engineer/TL9 (Civil) (H) IQ [2]-15 *; Engineer/TL9 (Gravitics) (H) IQ+1 [4]-16 *; Literature (H) IQ-2 [1]-13; Mathematics/TL9 (Applied) (H) IQ+1 [3]-16 *; Mathematics/TL9 (Pure) (H) IQ [2]-15 *; Philosophy (Humanist) (H) IQ-2 [1]-13; Physics/TL9 (VH) IQ+4 [20]-19 *; Public Speaking (Debate) (E) IQ [1]-15; Research/TL9 (A) IQ [2]-15; Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) IQ [1]-15; Teaching (A) IQ+1 [4]-16; Vacc Suit/TL9 (A) DX [2]-10; Writing (A) IQ [2]-15.

* Includes +1 from Mathematical Ability.

Biographical Information

Victor Bergman was born in 1990 in London, in the United Kingdom. He was recognized as a mathematical prodigy at a very young age, earning doctorates in mathematics and astrophysics at the University of Cambridge by the time he was 21. Bergman has formed many close friendships and mentor-relationships over the years, but he has never become romantically involved, and some observers have concluded that he is effectively asexual.

Bergman disappointed many in the scientific world when he accepted a teaching position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2012, but he soon proved able to do pioneering theoretical research even while mentoring younger students. It was at MIT in 2016 that Bergman had an annus mirabilis comparable to that of Albert Einstein, publishing several papers that ended in revolutionizing modern physics.

Bergman’s work opened the door to the direct control of gravity as a force, suggesting applications as diverse as artificial gravity in space habitats, antigravity lift systems for spacecraft, and “reactionless” drives for deep-space travel. As such, by the 2020s Bergman was already being recognized as the seminal figure in a new Space Age.

Bergman’s work might have made him a valuable asset to the American or British governments, but his staunch pacificism led him to refuse most such state connections. His open criticism of NASA and the United States Space Force led to considerable political controversy throughout the late 2020s and early 2030s, especially after he was awarded the 2033 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Only after the Pacific War and the foundation of the World Space Commission did Bergman begin to personally support the space program. He finally left MIT and accepted a position as a scientific advisor for the WSC in 2038. Working both on Earth and at Moonbase Alpha, Bergman provided invaluable advice in the application of the gravitic technologies his work had made possible. He was instrumental in the designs for Moonbase Alpha and the Eagle series of gravitic spacecraft.

Now of advanced years, Bergman continues to serve as a scientific advisor and mentor for a number of WSC leaders, including Commissioner Gerald Simmonds and astronauts Anthony Cellini and John Koenig.

Bergman’s outgoing personality, along with his undoubted scientific genius, have made him almost universally beloved among members of the space program. Even in his advanced years, he loves to throw himself into new scientific conundrums, and remains capable of coming up with unique (and effective) solutions. He has also gained a reputation as a humanistic philosopher, advocating an almost mystic understanding of humankind’s role in space.

Bergman’s major weakness is his artificial heart, acquired after a serious laboratory accident in the early 2030s. Although this bionic organ helps Bergman to regulate his emotional responses – giving him some resistance to fear and panic – it also renders him vulnerable to electric shock.

Helena Russell

Helena Russell

Doctor Helena Russell (150 points)

Helena Russell is 40 years old, with delicate features, carefully coiffed blonde hair, and grey eyes.

  • ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 10 [0].
  • Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 10 [0].
  • Basic Speed 6.25 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]; Dodge 8.
  • 5’9”; 135 lbs.

Social Background

  • TL: 9 [0].
  • CF: Western [0].
  • Languages: English (Native) [0].


  • Appearance (Attractive) [4]; Empathy [15]; Military Rank 3 (World Space Commission) [15].


  • Code of Honor (Professional) [-5]; Combat Paralysis [-15]; Sense of Duty (Large Group; Moonbase Alpha Inhabitants) [-10]; Stubbornness [-5].
  • Quirks: Attentive; Prefers mundane explanations for unusual occurrences; Responsive; Tends to diagnose problems as “radiation sickness”; Very soft-spoken. [‑5]


Administration (A) IQ [2]-14; Artist (Sculpting) (H) IQ-2 [1]-12; Beam Weapons/TL9 (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-11; Chemistry/TL9 (H) IQ-1 [2]-13; Computer Operation/TL9 (E) IQ [1]-14; Detect Lies (H) Per+1 [1]-15 *; Diagnosis/TL9 (Human) (H) IQ+1 [8]-15; Diplomacy (H) IQ [4]-14; Driving/TL9 (Automobile) (A) DX-1 [1]-10; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Medical) (A) IQ [2]-14; Electronics Repair/TL9 (Medical) (A) IQ [2]-14; Gardening (E) IQ [1]-14; Naturalist (Earthlike) (H) IQ-2 [1]-12; Pharmacy/TL9 (Synthetic) (H) IQ-1 [2]-13; Physician/TL9 (Human) (H) IQ+1 [8]-15; Physiology/TL9 (Human) (H) IQ-1 [2]-13; Psychology (Human) (H) IQ-1 [2]-13; Research/TL9 (A) IQ [2]-14; Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) IQ [1]-14; Surgery/TL9 (Human) (VH) IQ [8]-14; Teaching (A) IQ [2]-14; Vacc Suit/TL9 (A) DX-1 [1]-10; Writing (A) IQ-1 [1]-13.

* Includes +3 from Empathy.

Biographical Information

Helena Russell was born Helena Goldmann in 2009 in Denver, in the United States. Her parents were physicians; she followed in their footsteps, earning advanced degrees in medicine and psychology from Columbia University in New York. It was there that she met Lee Russell, a fellow student who was specializing in space medicine. After finishing their graduate work, the two of them married in 2035. They spent the years of the Pacific War serving the United States Space Force as medical officers.

After the war, the Russells joined the World Space Commission, becoming deeply involved in the push for long-term expeditions and permanent manned outposts in space. In particular, Helena Russell became highly influential in the design of space habitats. Her introduction of solariums and “green spaces” into Moonbase Alpha residential sections did much to improve crew morale, and earned her the prestigious Donnelmyer Award in 2043.

Dr. Lee Russell went missing, and was presumed dead, in the loss of the second manned Jupiter expedition in 2044. Dr. Helena Russell has not remarried. She responded to the tragedy by throwing herself into her work, and beginning to accept deep-space assignments of her own. She was posted to Moonbase Alpha in late 2048 as its Chief Medical Officer.

Dr. Russell is a committed and effective physician, who cares deeply for her patients and has a gift for understanding the human psyche. If she has a weakness in her role, it is in her ability to adjust to the dangers and strangeness of life in deep space. She has a tendency to “freeze up” in situations of immediate danger or violence. She also tends to look for tried and familiar solutions to problems, often overlooking evidence that a situation is genuinely new and unprecedented.

John Koenig

John Koenig

Commander John Koenig (150 points)

John Koenig is in his early 40s, with craggy features, a shock of black hair, and intense blue eyes.

  • ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 12 [20].
  • Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 12 [0].
  • Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]; Dodge 9.
  • 6’1”; 165 lbs.

Social Background

  • TL: 9 [0].
  • CF: Western [0].
  • Languages: English (Native) [0].


  • Military Rank (World Space Commission) 5 [25].


  • Bad Temper (12 or less) [-10]; Code of Honor (Soldier’s) [-10]; Guilt Complex [-5]; Sense of Duty (Moonbase Alpha Inhabitants) [-10]; Workaholic [-5].
  • Quirks: Broad-Minded; Careful; Likes jazz music; Ruthless with quick decisions; Uncongenial. [‑5]


Administration (A) IQ [2]-13; Astronomy/TL9 (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Beam Weapons/TL9 (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [2]-13; Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-13; Computer Operation/TL9 (E) IQ [1]-13; Driving/TL9 (Automobile) (A) DX [2]-12; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Communications) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Electronics Operation/TL9 (Sensors) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Engineer/TL9 (Spaceship) (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; First Aid/TL9 (Human) (E) IQ [1]-13; Free Fall (A) DX [2]-12; Games (Kendo) (E) IQ [1]-13; Gunner/TL9 (Beams) (E) DX [1]-12; Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1]-12; Leadership (A) IQ [2]-13; Mathematics/TL9 (Applied) (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Navigation/TL9 (Space) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Physics/TL9 (VH) IQ-3 [1]-10; Piloting/TL9 (Aerospace) (A) DX [2]-12; Piloting/TL9 (High-Performance Spacecraft) (A) DX+1 [4]-13; Public Speaking (Oratory) (E) IQ [1]-13; Savoir-Faire (Dojo) (E) IQ [1]-13; Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) IQ [1]-13; Shiphandling/TL9 (Spaceship) (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Soldier/TL9 (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Spacer/TL9 (E) IQ+1 [2]-14; Stealth (A) DX [2]-12; Swimming (E) HT [1]-12; Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Two-Handed Sword Sport (A) DX-1 [1]-11; Vacc Suit/TL9 (A) DX [2]-12; Writing (A) IQ-1 [1]-12.

Biographical Information

John Koenig was born in 2007 in New York City, in the United States. He was orphaned in his late teens and has no close family. He studied astrophysics and space engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he met and struck up an enduring friendship with Victor Bergman. The world-famous scientist has served Koenig as a mentor and father-figure for most of his adult life.

Koenig joined the American astronaut program, but his career was interrupted by the outbreak of the Pacific War in 2035. Throughout the war he served in the United States Space Force, flying several combat missions. Koenig’s wife was killed in the Chinese missile strike on Los Angeles in 2037. He has not remarried.

After the Pacific War, Koenig resumed his career as an astronaut, this time working for the new World Space Commission. He served several tours at the growing Moonbase Alpha from 2038 onward, and was posted as the base’s commanding officer just before Breakaway in 2049.

Koenig has a good reputation as an administrator and commander, known for ruthlessly practical decision-making. He is often short-tempered, capable of outbursts of anger or frustration, more likely to bark orders than to seek consensus among his subordinates. However, he is also deeply concerned for the welfare of his crew and the success of his assigned mission.



One of my guilty pleasures is the 1970s TV show Space: 1999. I’ve been rewatching it lately, and something about it seems to have engaged one of my spare backup Muses.

Space: 1999 was a very odd duck, kind of the epitome of the kind of science-fiction programming you’d find on British TV in the 1970s. Probably due to its creators, the inestimable Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. It’s a mix of hard SF and wild space-operatic fantasy, with FX that were superb at the time but that look very dated today, and writing that veered from interesting to horrible. The cast were very good, and they did the best they could with the material they were handed.

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been thinking about building a RPG scenario around a similar premise. It seemed likely that I would need to update the technology a bit, and the timeline, and find a way to make the core premise more palatable. Still, I find the basic notion – a near-future space outpost, on a course it can’t control, its crew trying to survive a series of challenges – quite appealing.

So here’s a side project that I might post freebies for, on an occasional basis. The working title is Space: 2049, and it will probably end up as a collection of notes and RPG material updating the original show for a more modern sensibility. I’ll probably use GURPS for the game-oriented pieces, since this is all going to be fan-derivative work for free anyway.

To begin with, have a timeline!

Timeline of Moonbase Alpha – to Breakaway

1990Birth of Victor Bergman, in London, United Kingdom.
2007Birth of John Koenig, in New York City, United States.
2009Birth of Helena Russell, in Denver, United States.
2011Birth of David Kano, in St. Andrew, Jamaica.
2013Birth of Robert Mathias, in New York City, United States.
2016Birth of Alan Carter, in Sydney, Australia.

Birth of Antony Verdeschi, in Florence, Italy.

While teaching at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Victor Bergman has an annus mirabilis, publishing no fewer than five papers to revolutionize modern physics. In particular, Bergman’s theories suggest the possibility of direct control of gravitational forces.
2017Birth of Paul Morrow, in London, United Kingdom.
2018Birth of Tanya Aleksandr, in Weimar, Germany.
2023Birth of Sandra Benes, in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.
2028First practical applications of Bergman gravitational technology are developed. The new technology promises to revolutionize transportation, especially in space.
2029While attending MIT, John Koenig meets Victor Bergman, who becomes his lifelong mentor and advisor.
2033Victor Bergman is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Construction of Moonbase Alpha begins in the crater Plato, by the American space agency NASA. The new base is intended as an industrial center, and a headquarters to coordinate exploration of the solar system.
2035Launch of the Sojourner One probe, an unmanned vehicle using the experimental fast-neutron drive invented by Dr. Ernst Queller. The probe appears to be successful, but vanishes without a trace within days of launch.

Launch of the Sojourner Two probe ends in disaster when the Queller drive cuts in too early, killing hundreds of people. Dr. Ernst Queller is found not to be at fault, but he goes into seclusion regardless.

Outbreak of the Pacific War, a global conflict between democratic and authoritarian power blocs. Construction of Moonbase Alpha, and other space exploration activity, is paused during the conflict.
2038End of the Pacific War, after Earth narrowly avoids a nuclear exchange.

A number of new international institutions are established in the aftermath, to stabilize the global community and deal with several ongoing crises. Among these is the World Space Commission, a unified body coordinating human space-exploration efforts. A new era in manned exploration of the solar system begins.

The World Space Commission takes oversight of the Moonbase Alpha project, resuming construction. Bergman gravitational technology is integrated into the base’s design and architecture.

World Space Commission awards contracts for the development of a new transport spacecraft applying Bergman gravitational technology – the Eagle.
2042First Eagle transport spacecraft are deployed.
2044Manned expedition to Jupiter is lost after a massive engine failure. Lee Russell, medical officer and husband of Dr. Helena Russell, is presumed dead.

Discovery of the “ninth planet,” a small ice giant orbiting Sol at distances between 360 and 600 AU. The new planet is named Ultra.
2046Several Hawk fighter craft are deployed to defend against a putative attack on Earth from space.

Manned expedition to Ultra departs, commanded by Tony Cellini.
2047Expedition to Ultra returns to Earth, with Tony Cellini as its sole survivor. Cellini is grounded after a diagnosis of severe psychological strain and paranoid delusions, but has a partial recovery and is later reassigned to Moonbase Alpha.

Working at Moonbase Alpha, Victor Bergman discovers the so-called Meta Signal, a pattern of phased gravitational waves that seems to carry considerable encoded information. World Space Commission announces the first evidence of intelligent life in space.
2048Victor Bergman hypothesizes that humans could use gravitational waves to respond to the Meta Signal. He begins an effort to decode and translate the signal, but progress is very slow.
2049A scientific expedition is planned to the apparent source of the Meta Signal. Construction of the spacecraft begins at Moonbase Alpha.

9 September: John Koenig arrives on Moonbase Alpha as its new Commander, replacing Anton Gorski. Koenig has been assigned to get the Meta expedition launched, but he discovers an outbreak of medical and psychological issues among the crew, far worse than he had been led to believe.

12 September: Commissioner Gerald Simmonds arrives on Moonbase Alpha and immediately comes into conflict with Commander Koenig, who remains cautious about pushing forward the Meta project. Simmonds begins to insist that the expedition move into its next phase without further delay, and also presses to have Dr. Bergman issue an immediate response to the Meta Signal.

13 September: “Breakaway.” On the insistence of Commissioner Simmonds, Koenig authorizes a first response to the Meta Signal. The result is catastrophic – intensely focused artificial gravitation, which reaches out from deep space and accelerates the Moon out of Earth’s orbit. Moonbase Alpha finds itself hurtling into deep space, at speeds which make any evacuation back to Earth problematic.

16 September: The runaway Moon disappears entirely from Earth’s view, and all contact with Moonbase Alpha is lost. In fact, the human response to the Meta Signal has engaged a billions-of-years-old Forerunner stargate network. The Moon is now being conveyed through the network to an unknown destination.