Status Report (14 August 2022)

Just a quick note, since we’re about at the mid-point for the month of August.
I’ve been concentrating on the working draft for Twice-Crowned, and that’s making decent progress. I’m on Chapter Nine, which should be the last chapter of Act One of the novel. A couple thousand words and I’ll hit that milestone, probably later this week. Once I’ve done that, I think I’ll release the completed portion of the draft as this month’s charged release for my patrons.
I have a bunch of text already written for the beginning of Act Two, from the last time I attempted to write this story. With minimal work, that should drop right into the working draft. I may spend a little time in what’s left of August working on that.
Meanwhile, I think Architect of Worlds is going to move to the front burner once Twice-Crowned has hit that milestone. I’ve been working, off and on, to polish up the first complete draft of Architect, and I’m thinking that a few weeks of concentrated effort will get that into good enough shape that I’d be willing to share it with my patrons. At that point, the project will move to final development, editing, and layout for production. Probably won’t get there before the end of August, but it ought to be doable for sometime in September. I’ll decide whether that’s a charged release or a free update once I see just how much genuinely new material is in the draft.
The image for this post, by the way, is a painting out of the Neo-Classicist school, representing a young woman from the Roman town of Pompeii. On the other hand, she looks so much like my mind’s-eye image of Alexandra, the protagonist of Twice-Crowned, that I’ve grabbed a copy of the painting as a visual reference. For another approach to the character (especially for GURPS and other RPG fans), have a look at this post from 2018.