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Tag: magnus pyke

Minor Site Update: “Science!”

Minor Site Update: “Science!”

As part of the slow-but steady process of upgrading the site’s organization – the better to support Architect of Worlds in particular – I’ve just created a new tag: science!

The purpose of this tag will be to focus on posts that are mostly about specific results in the scientific literature, as they pertain to world-building for fiction. Most of these will have obvious relevance to Architect of Worlds.

The architect of worlds tag will remain, but that tag will also include posts about the process of writing, editing, selling, and maintaining the book. If you’re mostly interested in reading what I’ve had to say about astronomy, exoplanetary science, and so on, look for the science! tag instead.

Yes, the exclamation point is required. If you like, read it in the voice of Magnus Pyke in mad-scientist mode.