Quick note today: a lot of my social-media presence over the past few years has been on Facebook, but for several reasons that’s about to change. If you’re on BlueSky, look me up at @jfzeigler.bsky.social.
I’m probably not going to be very active for the next few days, but once I’m back up and running you can expect a short post from me there on just about a daily basis.
Just a very quick note, for folks who aren’t my patrons and don’t follow me on Facebook. Earlier today, I released a new interim draft of the world-design sequence document from Architect of Worlds. It’s available for free on the Architect of Worlds page on this site.
This is probably the last version of this material I’ll be releasing for free – other sections of the book are exclusive for my patrons, and the book itself is slowly moving toward being ready for final draft and release. I’m kind of hoping that 2022 is the year I finally finish this project.
Still, if you’re interested in this kind of scientific geekery, feel free to have a look.
Well, September didn’t go according to plan on any level, but I did manage to get a few creative tasks done:
I produced a new minor update for the main portion of Architect of Worlds, and shared that with my patrons as a free update.
I finished revising “In the House of War” and published it through Amazon and a number of other outlets. The workflow for that involved the Draft2Digital service, which worked out rather nicely – I think that will be the default for future fiction releases.
I published a book review.
Reviewing all of the open projects, I think I’m most concerned to get some new fiction written. Second Dawn has been hanging fire at six chapters since the Kindle Vella service went live. Even worse, it’s been over a year now since The Curse of Steel was released, and I’m no closer to having the sequel finished than I was in the spring. Time to start cranking out some chapters for one or both of those!
So here’s the plan for the month of October:
Top Priority (“this is how I’ll judge whether the month has been successful”):
Krava’s Legend: Write a few new chapters of The Sunlit Lands.
Scorpius Reach: Write a few new chapters of Second Dawn.
Second Priority (“work on this as time permits”):
Architect of Worlds: Start work on a section describing the structure of the galaxy and of interstellar space, and providing guidelines on how to make maps for interstellar settings.
Architect of Worlds: Start work on a section of special cases and additional worldbuilding material that doesn’t fit into the design sequence.
Human Destiny: Write a few thousand more words of the Cortex Prime sourcebook and setting bible.
Human Destiny: Write a new short story for eventual collection and publication.
Krava’s Legend: More research toward improvements to my release-and-marketing workflow.
Back Burner (“work on this only if everything else gets blocked”):
Architect of Worlds: Return to improvement and polishing of the Introduction and Design Sequence document, leading to a new minor-version release. This work may involve updating all of the worked examples, and making mathematical notation more consistent.
Krava’s Legend: Write the second short story for the “reader magnet” collection.
Scorpius Reach: Start work on a third edition of the Game of Empire rules for Traveller.
Ideally, I’ll produce at least six chapters each of The Sunlit Lands and Second Dawn, that can be this month’s charged release for my patrons, and I’ll be able to polish and publish the Second Dawn chapters next month. If any of the Architect of Worlds documents or the Human Destiny setting bible make enough progress, those will turn into free updates. As always, I’ll want to complete one or two book reviews for self-published or indie fiction this month.
Watch this space for status reports, and if any of the above interests you, please consider signing up as a patron using the link in the sidebar.
Very little about this month has been going according to plan, least of all finding the time to get some solid creative work in. Still, the shape of what’s left of September is starting to become clear. So here’s the (more informal than usual) task list for the next couple of weeks:
Architect of Worlds: Produce a new minor-version release of the main body of the book, the Introduction and design sequence. I’ve already made a number of minor changes. I have in mind a extensive modification that should simplify and clarify a big section of the current design sequence. This should end up with a free update for my patrons by the end of September – a version 0.7 alpha release for that document.
Human Destiny: I plan to release “In the House of War” as a new self-published novella by the end of this month. That’s dependent on me being able to come up with a decent cover image and get the ebook formatted on time, of course, but I think that’s within reach. My patrons at the $2 level and above will be getting a free copy of the PDF, and hopefully a Kindle-compatible ebook as well.
Book Reviews: I still need to complete a self-published book for review for September. I have a couple of promising candidates here.
The critical fact is that there will be no charged release for my patrons for September. Hopefully October will be a bit more conducive to new work.
A side note: I’ve adjusted my social-media strategy a bit. I no longer maintain a “business page” on Facebook as a place for posts from this blog to appear. Instead, I’ll be simply posting links to new blog posts from my personal FB page. An extra step, but to be honest, the business page wasn’t getting picked up by very many people. So if you follow me on Facebook you’ll probably have a better chance of seeing these posts.
I didn’t completely fail to meet my objectives. I did get a book review published, I got the first few chapters of Second Dawn posted to Kindle Vella before that platform went live, and I did get started writing more chapters for that. I got a little bit of work done on other projects as well. Still, the month was conspicuously short on major milestones. I was distracted by a couple of minor bouts of illness, and my day job soaked up more of my attention and energy than usual. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Even so, the goal for August is to pick up the pace a bit, and have more material for my patrons and readers, both free updates and enough new work for a charged release. I’m also thinking about a shift in emphasis among my second-tier projects – I’m feeling a bit more inspiration for the Human Destiny setting at the moment, so I think I may do some new work on that.
Here’s the priority list for August.
Top Priority (“this is how I’ll judge whether the month has been successful”):
Architect of Worlds: Return to improvement and polishing of the Introduction and Design Sequence document, leading to a new minor-version release.
Human Destiny: Write a few thousand more words of the Cortex Prime sourcebook and setting bible.
Krava’s Legend: Write a few new chapters of The Sunlit Lands.
Scorpius Reach: Write, edit, and publish a few new chapters of Second Dawn.
Second Priority (“work on this as time permits”):
Architect of Worlds: Start work on a section describing the structure of the galaxy and of interstellar space, and providing guidelines on how to make maps for interstellar settings.
Architect of Worlds: Start work on a section of special cases and additional worldbuilding material that doesn’t fit into the design sequence.
Human Destiny: Write a new short story for eventual collection and publication.
Krava’s Legend: More research toward improvements to my release-and-marketing workflow.
Back Burner (“work on this only if everything else gets blocked”):
Krava’s Legend: Write the second short story for the “reader magnet” collection.
Scorpius Reach: Start work on a third edition of the Game of Empire rules for Traveller.
For my patrons, this month’s free releases will probably include a new minor-version release of the Human Destiny sourcebook, and possible a minor-version release of the Architect of Worlds design sequence. This month’s charged release, if there is one, will most likely be composed of new charters from Second Dawn and The Sunlit Lands. As always, I’ll want to complete one or two book reviews for self-published or indie fiction this month.
Watch this space for status reports, and if any of the above interests you, please consider signing up as a patron using the link in the sidebar.
Well, I said I was going to spend the month of June focusing on writing new fiction. Apparently I wasn’t kidding. I produced about 22,500 words of new early-draft fiction in June, for an average of about 750 words per day all month. Pretty good work rate for me.
The new material included the first six chapters of Second Dawn, which is mostly likely going to be the first serialized novel in a series, all published on the Kindle Vella platform. Second Dawn is placed in my new Scorpius Reach space-opera setting, and I’m quite happy with how it’s turning out so far.
I also wrote “Derga’s Tale,” a roughly 10,000-word novelette set in the Iron Age setting of Krava’s Legend. “Derga’s Tale” is the story of how Krava’s parents met. It’s the first short piece in what’s eventually going to be a collection of 5-6 stories, all prequels to The Curse of Steel. Once I’ve written all of those stories, I plan to edit them into a book-length collection, which I’ll then use to practice the new publication and marketing methods I’ve been researching. In particular, the collection will serve as a “reader magnet” that I can use for promotion of the series.
Finally, I also released a minor-version update to the Scorpius Reach setting bible, and published one book review. Not a bad month in all, even if the month didn’t quite go as I’d planned it. Planning is essential, even if you don’t always stick to the plan.
Incidentally, June was also surprisingly successful on the social-media front. I appear to have lost a patron at the beginning of the month, but since then I’ve seen three or four new patrons come in. Welcome to all the newcomers! Surprising number of new Facebook contacts as well, given that I’m not taking any specific action to promote this site. I’m not going to question good fortune.
Now that I’ve gotten some fiction written, I think this month will be spent focusing on pushing Architect of Worlds a few steps forward. Here’s the priority list for July 2021.
Top Priority (“this is how I’ll judge whether the month has been successful”):
Architect of Worlds: Return to improvement and polishing of the Introduction and Design Sequence document, leading to a new minor-version release.
Architect of Worlds: Start work on a section describing the structure of the galaxy and of interstellar space, and providing guidelines on how to make maps for interstellar settings.
Krava’s Legend: Write a few more chapters of The Sunlit Lands.
Scorpius Reach: Finish final editing of the first six chapters of Second Dawn, and post the novel to Kindle Vella so it’s available to readers when the platform goes live.
Second Priority (“work on this as time permits”):
Architect of Worlds: Start work on a section of special cases and additional worldbuilding material that doesn’t fit into the design sequence.
Krava’s Legend: Write the second short story for the “reader magnet” collection.
Krava’s Legend: More research toward improvements to my release-and-marketing workflow.
Scorpius Reach: Start work on a third edition of the Game of Empire rules for Traveller.
Back Burner (“work on this only if everything else gets blocked”):
Human Destiny: Write a new short story for eventual collection and publication.
Human Destiny: Write a few thousand more words of the Cortex Prime sourcebook and setting bible.
For my patrons, this month’s free releases will probably include a new minor-version release of the Architect of Worlds design sequence. This month’s charged release, if there is one, will probably be a block of new material for Architect of Worlds, and possibly another short story from Krava’s Legend or a few new chapters of The Sunlit Lands.
As always, I’ll want to complete one or two book reviews for self-published or indie fiction this month. I’m in the middle of a very good candidate right now, so two reviews this month seems possible.
Watch this space for status reports, and if any of the above interests you, please consider signing up as a patron using the link in the sidebar.
The last few months have been very productive, and I think this pattern of posting a status report and priority list at the beginning of each month is helping. Not to mention that it’s likely to be useful information for my patrons, and anyone else who’s following my work.
May was a good month overall. I released an update to my Scorpius Reach setting bible, adding a fair amount of material to the initial draft. This gathered some good attention from the Traveller communities on Facebook and Reddit. I also released a minor-version update to the Architect of Worlds Introduction and Design Sequence document. Finally, I wrote and released the first draft of a completely new section of Architect of Worlds: the Working with Astronomical Data document.
I did not get any new fiction written, and I think I need to refocus on that in the coming month. Earlier this year I had a potential project to write and sell several stories, and for a while I was holding time and energy aside for that. Unfortunately, that seems to have fallen through, so I’m turning back to writing in my own original universes again for a while.
One very useful milestone happened this month. I’ve been developing my Scorpius Reach setting, not just as a test-bed for the Game of Empire rules, but also possibly as the backdrop for some serialized fiction to bring to market. Although the stories themselves are going to be entirely original to me, and I don’t plan to market them as anything but original fiction, there was still a potential IP problem there. I’ve been using the Traveller game rules to help develop the setting, and the “bible” for it is framed in terms of a Traveller universe. So I decided to approach Marc Miller, the owner and primary publisher of Traveller, and discuss how best to avoid stepping on his intellectual property. Once I described what I was planning to do, he immediately and graciously granted me permission to proceed without any concerns. So that’s a big potential obstacle out of the way. I plan to start writing the first Scorpius Reach serialized novel in June.
So here’s the priority list for June 2021. I’m reworking the format a little, to organize by a hierarchy of urgency first, rather than by overall project:
Top Priority, or the “this is how I’ll judge whether the month has been successful” level:
Architect of Worlds: Return to improvement and polishing of the Introduction and Design Sequence document, leading to a new minor-version release.
Krava’s Legend: Write a few more chapters of The Sunlit Lands.
Scorpius Reach: Write the first few chapters of a serialized novel to be published via Kindle Vella.
Second Priority, or the “work on this as time permits” level:
Architect of Worlds: Start work on a section describing the structure of the galaxy and of interstellar space, and providing guidelines on how to make maps for interstellar settings.
Architect of Worlds: Start work on a section of special cases and additional worldbuilding material that doesn’t fit into the design sequence.
Krava’s Legend: Write the first short story for the “reader magnet” collection.
Krava’s Legend: More research toward improvements to my release-and-marketing workflow.
Scorpius Reach: Start work on a third edition of the Game of Empire rules.
Back Burner, or the “work on this only if everything else gets blocked” level:
Human Destiny: Write a new short story for eventual collection and publication.
Human Destiny: Write a few thousand more words of the Cortex Prime sourcebook and setting bible.
For my patrons, this month’s free releases will almost certainly include a new minor-version release of the Architect of Worlds design sequence. This month’s charged release, if there is one, will probably be a block of new fiction from the Krava’s Legend and Scorpius Reach settings. I do hope to produce some new Architect of Worlds material this month, but there probably won’t be enough of that to bundle up as a release for my patrons, so maybe look for that in July.
As always, I’ll want to complete one or two book reviews for self-published fiction this month.
Watch this space for status reports, and if any of the above interests you, please consider signing up as a patron using the link in the sidebar.
A small administrative note: I spent some time this morning cleaning up the post tags on this site, merging a few tags and making sure they had consistent format. In particular, I merged all the tags that made any reference to my high-fantasy novel series into the krava’s legend tag. I also merged the tags that referred to the various Bios-series games by Phil Eklund into the bios tag. Might make the site a little easier to navigate.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and planning for the next novel I want to write and publish.
That may not be The Sunlit Lands. Work on that one is proceeding, albeit slowly, so it’s possible that will be the next book-length project I finish. It’s not the only possibility, though.
More likely is an extension of my short story, “A Fire in Winter,” published here a few months ago.
Portrait of Prince Hall in Masonic regalia, artist unknown.
I’ve conceived the notion of a novel-length collection of connected stories, laying out the history of an alternate-historical American Revolution, with the African-American Freemason figure Prince Hall as the protagonist. The collection would hint at an alternative United States that might be a little better-founded from the beginning.
“A Fire in Winter” would be the first story in the collection. I’ve already blocked out the plot and action of the second story – the working title is “Anabasis,” and it involves Mr. Hall accompanying an expedition into the New York and Pennsylvania back-country, led by a brilliant but troubled American general named Benedict Arnold. I’m thinking there might be six or seven stories in the collection by the time I’m finished.
An alternate-historical American Revolution: the situation in the Northern colonies as of early 1777.
While I mull over this idea, I’ve been working through the tabletop game 1776, generating an alternate history of the Revolutionary War to serve as a scaffold for the stories. The exercise has been unusually fruitful, giving me plenty of ideas as to where Mr. Hall might be at any given time, who he might meet, what conflict or danger he might have to survive. Before long I may have the whole collection of stories planned out.
The third possibility is an extensive re-work of The Master’s Oath, which I’ve mentioned earlier. This seems the least likely, even though I do have a complete draft of that novel. It would require a considerable rewrite to be publishable.
Whichever project comes to fruition most quickly, I’ve also been thinking about improving my plan for releasing and promoting the book.
Sales of The Curse of Steel have been disappointing, to be honest. After an initial surge of sales upon release, it’s fallen to zero since the beginning of the calendar year. So far, advertising on Amazon and Facebook has been ineffective and a net loss.
I’ve come to the conclusion that I made a number of unforced errors with that novel – not in its writing, but in the plan for its release and promotion. Things like doing my own cover art, not spreading the word before release or allowing for pre-orders, not arranging for editorial reviews in advance, not arranging for a paperback edition, relying exclusively on Kindle Unlimited for sales, and so on.
For the next book, I’m probably going to bite the bullet and set myself a budget for preparation and promotion.
The Curse of Steel cost me roughly $800 to release, most of which went to a hired editor who ended up recommending no changes to my draft. The biggest chunk of funding after that was for graphic assets for the book cover. All of this suggests that I might set aside a few hundred dollars for the next book, but spend it more wisely. Maybe hire an editor (or a sensitivity reader), certainly get a professional book cover done, budget more generously for pre-release promotion and post-release advertising, and so on. Hopefully getting better results.
Meanwhile, I’ve recently linked up with a couple of communities of self-publishing authors, and I’ve been lurking and listening to their talk. Some of their advice and common practices don’t fit my profile, but some of them do, and I’ve made note of a lot of resources that might be useful.
All of this means that my next book release, whenever that comes along, is going to be more carefully planned and supported.
One or two stand-alone books might help me figure out a better workflow and see more sales. Then, if and when I do finish The Sunlit Lands, I can always go back and re-release The Curse of Steel, applying some of what I’ve learned.
I have a confession to make: I am really ambivalent about social media.
There are a lot of reasons for that, most of which are private and will remain so. Speaking as an author and game designer, past experience tells me that social media eat up time, effort, and attention that could otherwise be spent on writing, all without resulting in much attention for the creative work itself.
Still, now that I am starting to publish original work, it’s probably worth the experiment. So as of today, and until I find that it’s actively hindering my progress, I’ve set up a new presence on Facebook and Twitter.