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Status Report (11 November 2019)

Status Report (11 November 2019)

Not much to report from the last week or so. The Curse of Steel is still moving strongly toward its conclusion – I’ve passed the climax of the story and am now well into the denouement, setting up the next novel in the series. I might even be finished with the first draft before the end of this week.

A small surprise. Timothy Pike, the fellow who runs the Chapterbuzz website where I’ve been posting the draft, has asked me to be the subject of the cover feature in an upcoming issue of Books & Buzz Magazine.

That’s probably not as big a deal as it might sound – as far as I can tell, the magazine’s subscriber base isn’t all that large – but it should be an interesting adventure. It’s not costing me anything but a little time, at any rate. He’s sent me a pile of interview questions to respond to; I think what he’s really looking for is the kind of story that can encourage other would-be authors to push forward with their own projects. I can certainly speak candidly about my own journey as a writer. If and when that comes to fruition, I’ll post a link here.

A Change of Plans

A Change of Plans

As I work on The Curse of Steel, I’ve become increasingly aware that my original plot outline was a bit too ambitious. I had a certain amount of the overall story arc that I thought I was going to tell in a single 120-kiloword volume. Actually writing the story, though, has worked out differently.

Right now I’m at about 72 kilowords, and I’m just getting to what I originally thought of as the midpoint of the first novel in the series. More importantly, the dramatic beat that’s coming up soon is feeling more like the climax of a novel’s story, not so much like a mere mid-second-act plot twist.

I think the solution is obvious: treat the upcoming dramatic moment as the climax of a shortened novel, then push a chunk of the original outline into the first sequel. I think the tone of each story will end up feeling more coherent as a result. The move leaves The Curse of Steel unified as a story of heroic action, intrigue, and tribal politics, whereas the next book will be almost entirely about long-distance travel on a quest.

The upshot of all this is that I’m reducing my estimate for the total word count for The Curse of Steel, to 90 kilowords. Which means I’m a lot closer to being done with the first draft than I thought.

Earlier I was thinking of using November (National Novel Writing Month) to crank out 50 kilowords of content for The Curse of Steel. That would have brought me pretty close to the end of the story as originally planned. Now, it looks more likely that I won’t be formally participating in NaNoWriMo. Instead, during November I’ll finish the first draft of this novel, start working on revisions, and also start doing some world-building and constructed-language work for the second novel in the series. I’ll need at least two more naming languages; Kráva will be visiting two new major cultures in the course of that story.

It seems even more likely than before that The Curse of Steel will be finished and ready for release very early in 2020. The working title for the second novel in the series will be The Sunlit Lands.

Status Report (15 October 2019)

Status Report (15 October 2019)

After a week of reading other people’s work and providing feedback on the Chapterbuzz site, I’ve swung back to working on The Curse of Steel. The feedback I got was a little thin, although three or four people did offer at least a few suggestions apiece. I’ve already gone through and done revisions in accordance with those, and now I’m back to writing new material. As of today, I’ve reached the projected half-way point in the draft – over 60k words!

Meanwhile, over the weekend I picked up a new map-making application, called Wonderdraft. This is an indie production, designed as far as I can tell by a single coder. It doesn’t have nearly the feature list of my usual toolset (Photoshop), but it’s geared almost entirely toward drawing fantasy maps, and for that purpose, it’s pretty slick. The fact that you can “paint” areas of the map with things like mountain or forest icons, and the tool will automatically change up the current icon and make sure there aren’t any collisions with other symbols? Good Lord, that’s useful. I can’t begin to count how many hours I’ve spent in Photoshop, laboriously clicking through mountain or tree icons and placing them one . . . at . . . a . . . time.

Here’s an example – this is the current partial draft of the main continental map for The Curse of Steel, which I’m using to plan out the back story and plot on the largest scales.

Not nearly finished, obviously – I’ve got a ton of layers to paint onto this yet. But the above took a lot less time than it would have in Photoshop, and the tool is doing a nice job of freeing me from drudgery so I can concentrate on being creative. Those mountain ranges, for example, took only 15-20 minutes to plan and paint onto the map. Looks like a hard recommend from me.

Status Report (6 October 2019)

Status Report (6 October 2019)

Well, I chained myself to the computer this weekend and breezed right past my 10k word-count goal for the first week of October. As of right now, I’ve put down 11,970 words on the first draft of The Curse of Steel since Tuesday.

Meanwhile, real life has been building up a head of steam, so it’s just as well that I’m ahead of my goal. This week at the office, I have a pile of work to do and deadlines to meet, so my writing pace is likely to slow down dramatically over the next few days.

Still, there are now nineteen chapters posted over on Chapterbuzz, and the story is rapidly approaching its mid-point. Every day I’m more confident that this will eventually be my first published novel-length original work. About time I broke that creative barrier!

Status Report (3 October 2019)

Status Report (3 October 2019)

I’m in the middle of the 10k Challenge week on the Chapterbuzz site, and at the moment the plot is thickening as nicely as I might have asked for. One more big fight scene, the introduction of a new character, the addition of a new mystery and the resolution of a few old ones, and I’m going to be ready for the big Wham Moment at the halfway point of the novel.

Taking a few days off before the beginning of October really helped me think through a few plot points and get all my tools set out. Since Tuesday I’ve managed to put down 5,900 words without too much trouble.

At the moment, eighteen chapters of the first draft of The Curse of Steel are up at Chapterbuzz. Go, read, “buzz” the chapters if you’re enjoying them, and feel free to leave any feedback that comes to mind. With, as always, my thanks.

Status Report (25 September 2019)

Status Report (25 September 2019)

Whew. Last few days have been kind of unpleasant – I’ve been fighting some kind of sore-throat-and-intestinal-crud combination that’s kept me home from the office.

On the other hand, in the few hours here and there that I’ve been awake and lucid, I’ve managed to finish polishing up the existing partial draft of The Curse of Steel. That includes a few kilowords of new material that wasn’t in the very first rough draft. Those sixteen chapters are all up on Chapterbuzz now, so if you’re interested in a bit of gritty Iron Age heroic fantasy, go have a read, “buzz” and comment on the chapters.

Plan now is to take a break for a few days. Honestly, I need to get back to the office, assuming this crud is finally gone, and put in some long hours on a couple of projects there. Not to mention that I’m starting my first course toward a graduate degree next week too.

Come the beginning of October, I’ll be participating in a challenge on Chapterbuzz that will involve cranking out 10 kilowords (about four chapters) in the first week, and then polishing and refining and adding to the draft over the rest of the month. Then November comes, and National Novel Writing Month – 50 kilowords in one month. If I can keep up the pace, the novel should be finished in the first draft well before the end of the calendar year. Here’s hoping.

Status Report (21 September 2019)

Status Report (21 September 2019)

I’ve done some polishing of the partial draft of The Curse of Steel. At this point, the first eight chapters have all been posted to Chapterbuzz for reading and feedback. Here’s a link to the book’s page there.

Right now, my plan is to finish micro-revisions to the first sixteen chapters – that is, everything I’ve produced thus far – and post those to Chapterbuzz before the end of this month. That should clear the decks for the novel-building challenge they’re going to hold over the month of October.

The biggest reservation I have right now is that the section I’m writing is subject to major revisions in the plot. The first arc of the novel is basically an action-adventure story, but this second arc is mostly about political intrigue and a couple of mysteries. I know how it’s going to end, but how it gets there isn’t entirely fixed in my mind. Entirely possible I’ll rethink how the plot goes and need to go back for major revisions. But we’ll burn that bridge when we come to it.

An Experiment: Chapterbuzz

An Experiment: Chapterbuzz

Anyone who’s trying to write and self-publish creative work will soon come to the realization that the market for potential readers’ attention is insanely competitive. It’s tough to find readers when there are millions of other people all doing their best to drown you out. I can attest to this: the few short pieces I’ve already self-published via Amazon have maybe sold enough copies to buy me one meal. A cheap meal at that.

Now, there are plenty of “services” out there that promise to help you past that obstacle. The vast majority of those are effectively digital vanity presses. They charge the would-be author fees for every step of the process, and there’s no guarantee that anything they do will actually help. As a result, a lot of hopeful authors end up spending a pile of money out of their own pockets for no result. Manutius Press is the only party that wins.

Still. Self-publication means that you’re going to have to take some risks and make some investments, of time and energy if nothing else. So I’m going to try an experiment, one which I can shut down if it becomes obvious that it’s not going to be to my net benefit. The experiment is going to involve the Chapterbuzz site, operated by Timothy Pike.

I’ll be posting first-draft chapters of The Curse of Steel to Chapterbuzz, which means you’ll be able to read them there as I work on the novel. Probably the best way to find the work there is to go to my author profile page: John Alleyn on Chapterbuzz, and look for the link for The Curse of Steel. You can also click on the Chapterbuzz icon in the sidebar to get to the same place.

Feel free to read the work in progress there. Won’t cost you (or me) a thing. If you’d like to help me along as I work on the story, there are a couple of things you could do. As you read each chapter, you’ll probably see a “Buzz” button; if you’re enjoying the story, click on that to give it a little push. That may give you the opportunity to get email notifications for new chapters as I post those. You can also comment on chapters as you read them; that will help too.

We’ll see how this turns out. As you may be able to tell, I’m skeptical about sites like this, but so far it looks less predatory and more actually helpful than most. If it can get me some useful feedback, and maybe even a leg up when it comes time to publish, then it should be a useful investment.

Status Report (16 September 2019)

Status Report (16 September 2019)

Not much concrete to report for the moment. I’ve been making superb progress on the first draft of The Curse of Steel, hitting the 33% mark this past weekend. While I’m working on that, though, other projects that might be interesting to blog about are on the back burner.

This week is going to be a bear. I’m teaching one course, wrapping up work on writing a second one so we can hold a pilot offering for it, and otherwise likely to be buried at the office. I hope to get at least a few hundred words down per night, but we’ll see how things go.

It is looking as if I’ll be participating in National Novel Writing Month this year, for a change. I suspect I’ll still have at least 50,000 words to go on the first draft at the end of October. It will be interesting to see if I can keep up that kind of pace for a month, but if I can, I should have the complete first draft finished well before the end of this calendar year.

Status Report (2 September 2019)

Status Report (2 September 2019)

Another very productive weekend for The Curse of Steel. I had to go into the office on Saturday and didn’t get much writing done, but I more than made up for it yesterday and today: two whole chapters down in rough draft, about another 5,700 words in all.

I’ve now finished what might be considered Act I of the story, in which Kráva learns that she’s a hero of divine descent, first shows some of the power of her heritage, and (most importantly) starts to get used to her new role. At this point, she’s kind of enjoying it, it’s starting to go to her head a little. Now for Act II, in which things are going to go rather spectacularly wrong for her.

In other news, I’ve been browsing around for assets I can use to assemble digital art of Kráva and her world. This is a lot harder than you might think, given the size of the market for fantasy-related art. The problem is that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of assets available for female figures . . . and 99% of them seem to be oriented toward producing soft-porn or pinup art, rather than practical and realistic female warriors. Such is the way of the world, but it’s rather frustrating given what I want to accomplish.

Still, I have a digital model that I’m fine-tuning to match the way Kráva looks in my head, and I think I can kit-bash decent armor and gear for her too. I might have a test render to show off later this week.

Of course, the next couple of weeks are going to be slightly frantic at the office – I’m going to be teaching offerings of two courses, and I’m facing a deadline to pilot a third course that I’ve been writing. Hopefully, this won’t bring progress on The Curse of Steel to a crashing halt, but I’m going to just take it one day at a time.