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Review: The Murder of Heracles, by J. Edward Ritchie

Review: The Murder of Heracles, by J. Edward Ritchie

The Murder of Heracles: An Amazon Odyssey by J. Edward Ritchie

Overall Rating: ***** (5 stars)

The Murder of Heracles is a fun historical fantasy novel, which takes the familiar world of Greek myth and drives it in some surprising directions.

At the beginning of our story, four young Amazons are about to become full members of the community: Penthesilia (“Pen”), Bremusa (“Bremy”), Valasca (“Val”), and Antianara (“Anne”). They complete their final trial, defending their homeland of Themyscira against invading men. Victorious, they return home to claim their reward. Unfortunately, on that very night, a more effective army of Greeks invades Themyscira, massacring the Amazons and killing their queen Hippolyta. The leader of the Greeks is the “hero” Heracles, here portrayed as an intelligent but monstrous and barbaric figure.

Fifteen years later, the few surviving Amazons live in exile, scraping out an existence in the wilderness, having lost all their culture and pride. Only Hippolyta’s daughter, Derinoe (“Dee”), offers them any hope as she grows to womanhood as a potential queen. Then the survivors discover that Heracles is still alive, standing at the head of a vicious religious cult that demands tribute from across the world. Pen and her companions set out on a quest for revenge, hoping to find Heracles and kill him for what he has done.

What follows is a journey across the world, full of bloody battles, narrow escapes, triumphs, and tragedies. The astute reader will spot references to many stories of Greek myth, even some that are rather obscure; Mr. Ritchie has definitely done his research here. In most cases, there is some dramatic twist to render the familiar story strange.

In fact, this story gives us a very contemporary take on the Greek heroic age. Character dialogue and authorial voice are all in modern and highly colloquial language. The setting is full of anachronisms, elements of the historical Late Bronze Age mixed with much later eras and the fantastic world of myth. I detected some very distinctive influences here: a dash of Xena, scraps of George Pérez’s take on Wonder Woman, and even hints of a recent Assassin’s Creed game. At times, the classicist in me was having seizures . . . but the recipe honestly works well, and the result is a very engaging story.

After all, the core of this story isn’t the mythical or pseudo-historical premise. The core of this story is its leading characters: a band of tough, cynical, bloody-handed, foul-mouthed women who have already suffered all the pain and betrayal the world has to offer. Their personal development across this story is a delight to watch, and their resolution feels very well-earned.

The mechanics of the prose are strong. I caught a few typos and odd word choices, but it was never enough to break me out of the flow of the narrative for long. Viewpoint discipline is very good – the entire story is told from Pen’s perspective, and we hear only her internal dialogue.

This isn’t a novel I would have written, despite my interest in the setting, but I still found it thoroughly enjoyable. I’m very interested to see what Mr. Ritchie comes up with next. Very highly recommended.

Status Report (23 June 2023)

Status Report (23 June 2023)

Only a short note today, to report that I’m likely going to be getting little or no creative work done for at least a few days, possibly as much as a few weeks.

My living quarters and home office are in the finished basement of our home, and as of yesterday afternoon, that basement is being flooded. So far it’s not too bad – only a few of my possessions have been water-damaged, and the bulk of my library of books and tabletop games is safe for the moment. On the other hand, the bulk of the carpeting is water-logged and we’ve had to shift a lot of furniture around. As I sit at my workstation right now, the carpet under my feet is soggy and wet.

(No, the image above is eye-catching, but it’s not actually that bad. Even if it’s starting to feel that way.)

We have a specialist coming this afternoon to make an assessment and estimate what would be involved in repairs. I suspect we may need to move most of the furniture and items from my space into storage for at least a few days, cutting me off from my primary work machine and resources while repairs get done. In particular, if the flooding worsens, we may need to move everything to save my equipment and prevent significant losses to my library. In the worst-case scenario, it may be several weeks before things are back to normal.

All of which is to say that work on Architect of Worlds and other projects is at a standstill until I get my space back. I can’t even promise any free updates for this month, and I may miss my monthly book review for June. We’ll see how things go. I’ll post again as soon as I know more, and have some idea how long I’ll be offline.

Review: Silk Road Centurion, by Scott Forbes Crawford

Review: Silk Road Centurion, by Scott Forbes Crawford

Silk Road Centurion by Scott Forbes Crawford

Overall Rating: **** (4 stars)

Silk Road Centurion is a flawed but very engaging historical novel, centered around the clash of two great ancient cultures.

Manius Titinius is a Roman centurion in the army of Marcus Licinius Crassus, in the mid-first century BCE. At the beginning of our story, he is on detached duty, scouting for the army and trying to discover the whereabouts and intentions of the Parthian army. Unfortunately, he learns too late that Crassus is marching into a trap. He is captured by the enemy before he can make a warning, and it’s implied that the result is the disastrous Battle of Carrhae, in which Crassus was decisively defeated and his legions lost.

Manius himself becomes a slave. He is taken far to the east, changing hands several times, until he comes into the possession of a tribe of steppe barbarians. These people call themselves the Kets, but they are known to history as the Xiongnu, a people of deep Central Asia. Along the way, Manius comes into contact with Chinese people, at first captives like himself, later free Chinese living on the frontier of the Han Dynasty empire. He learns to speak Chinese, learns something of Chinese customs, and is (grudgingly) accepted among them. Eventually he is forced to fight to defend his new friends against the Xiongnu.

As with any historical novel, the quality of the author’s research is important. I certainly had no concerns regarding that element of Silk Road Centurion. The very premise of the novel is drawn from well-grounded historical speculation. It’s long been suspected (although never proven) that some survivors of the disaster at Carrhae may have been sold into slavery, living out their lives somewhere along the Silk Road routes as far east as China. Manius is very plausible as an educated, skilled Roman officer of the late Republic; his beliefs and behaviors all fit what I’ve learned of the period. I’m less of an expert in Han Dynasty society, but the details of the people who take Manius in all seem very plausible too.

I much appreciated that Manius has realistic limits and flaws. Too many stories involving a protagonist accepted into an alien culture fall into the trap of making him almost superhuman. Manius does have one heroic trait – he is stubborn and determined to an astonishing degree – but otherwise he is all too human. He isn’t better at being Chinese than the Chinese who take him in, he isn’t a more effective warrior, he doesn’t convince them to make him their leader, and he doesn’t win the affections of the leading lady. His collision with Chinese culture is entirely believable.

Overall, the story was very engaging and I had no difficulty finishing the novel. Viewpoint discipline was very good, with the story told almost entirely in third-person close from Manius’s perspective.

The one quarrel I had with Silk Road Centurion is that it really needed at least one more copy- and line-editing pass. There were typos and editing gaps, and in particular Mr. Crawford tends to drop into very modern slang now and then. It was enough to distract me from the narrative more than once. If the overall story hadn’t been so interesting, I might not have been able to finish it.

Even so, this is a very good and readable novel about a little-visited corner of human history. I enjoyed it, and I’m intrigued to see what Mr. Crawford works on next. Highly recommended.

Review: The Starved God, by Thomas Norford

Review: The Starved God, by Thomas Norford

The Starved God by Thomas Norford

Overall Rating: **** (4 stars)

The Starved God is a story of exploration and violent death, set in a world where humanity has diverged into multiple antagonistic species.

Our protagonist, Canna Dawn, is an amateur naturalist, living in the community of Riverbend. What we see of Canna and his people is both familiar and strange. They seem to be human, but it soon becomes clear that there are some odd elements to their biology and way of life. It also turns out that there are several different human species, all of them significantly different from each other, and none of them exactly like us. Riverbend and the kingdom around it seem to be at an early Nineteenth Century level of development, but they are oddly advanced in some ways and lagging in others. The world itself seems very Earthlike, but its geography is strange . . . and the planet is encircled by a prominent set of rings.

Soon, Canna is recruited for an expedition led by the sea-captain Skuld Heel. Captain Skuld has been commissioned to cross the ocean and explore lands at the very edge of human knowledge. He needs a naturalist to help him catalogue the plants and animals they find . . . and to evaluate the distant lands for colonization and exploitation. Canna isn’t eager to leave Riverbend, but he is soon forced to go. The things he learns along the way will have profound implications for him and his people.

The prose style here is quite clean, with very few copy-editing errors. Viewpoint discipline is decent; some passages are told from the perspective of different characters, but the result is clear and easy to follow. The reader will be pulled along by the desire to solve the mysteries posed by the narrative – is this story set on Earth? If it is, how did things get so strange? How will Canna and the other characters cope with the discoveries they make? The story kept me engaged from start to finish.

The world-building here is solid, the strangeness of the setting well-motivated and well-described. Some of its features were a trifle too derivative for my taste. For example, it won’t take too long for the reader to realize the exact Earthly-historical analogue for Canna’s adventure. (It doesn’t help that even Canna’s initials point directly to his real-world inspiration.) The world is grounded in ideas from evolutionary biology and cognitive science, but there aren’t a lot of surprises here.

Meanwhile, late in the story Mr. Norford succumbs to one of the terrible temptations that present themselves to any author engaged in rich world-building. For most of the narrative, he does a fine job of sticking to Canna’s viewpoint, allowing us to watch our hero unravel the world’s mysteries through observation and deduction. Then, close to the climax, the story abruptly drops out of “showing” mode and into a big chunk of exposition in “telling” mode. All the answers are dropped into our lap by a genuine deus ex machina. The overall sense is that of a high-concept, big-ideas, deep-world-building story that doesn’t quite stick the landing.

Still, this is a very well-crafted and intriguing story with lots of lovely scenery and clear sequel hooks. I enjoyed it, and I’m very interested to see what Mr. Norford works on next. Highly recommended.

Status Report (21 May 2023)

Status Report (21 May 2023)

Things are moving along, if not as quickly as I might have liked.

As of today, I’ve finished initial layout for Architect of Worlds through Step Twenty-Seven in the design sequence (world albedo). At this point I need to do a little research and possibly reworking of the mini-model for atmospheric greenhouse effect. Once that’s done, I think I’ll be able to finish editorial work on the next few steps in the design sequence, and get those laid out in the interim draft. Probably won’t be able to get all the way to the end this month, but we’ll see.

Meanwhile, I need to write up two book reviews and get those posted before the end of May.

Some of my time has been taken up by a Muse-inspired side trip. I’ve been binge-watching the entire Star Wars continuity – the current canon, not the pre-Disney “Legends” canon. Kind of kicking myself for not having picked up on that earlier. The theatrical films are, of course, something of a muddle. On the other hand, the animated shows and the Disney+ mini-series have been superb. The experience has been tickling my world-building brain something fierce.

The concept that’s taken up residence in my head involves a kind of “alternate history” of the Skywalker Saga, with the (overt) point of divergence that Qui-Gon Jinn survives the Battle of Theed and lives to take Anakin Skywalker on as his student. I’m also indulging in some rampant speculation about the motives that Sheev Palpatine might have had for his decades-long campaign to subvert and take over the Galactic Republic. I may end up with a pretty solid outline for a divergent Star Wars RPG campaign, although actually running it for players (or writing a fan-fiction series on the premise) is probably out of the question. I’ll probably write it up here as time permits, rather like the Space: 2049 material I’ve been playing with at odd moments.

Don’t worry. Architect and my other top-shelf projects aren’t going to be neglected. Much.

For my patrons, I think you can expect to see a free-update of the Architect partial draft, with as much new material as I’ve been able to edit and lay out in May. No charged release for this month.

Status Report (27 April 2023)

Status Report (27 April 2023)

Small course correction, with respect to Architect of Worlds.

A few minutes ago, I sent this month’s incremental update of the book design to my patrons. That’s a few days early and about 12 pages short of the goal I set for myself at the beginning of April.

The reason is that I just reached Step Twenty-Four in the main design sequence. That’s the step in which you determine the current geophysical parameters for a world under development – status of the world’s lithosphere, whether or not it has active plate tectonics, that sort of thing. The issue is that there are a couple really thorny bits of math in that step, probably the ugliest formulae anywhere in the previous draft. I’m also not entirely confident in the accuracy of the mini-model for that step. So I’d like to pause the layout long enough to do a bit of research, maybe develop a new mini-model, and simplify the procedure so it’s not as ugly and ill-polished.

While I’m at it, I also have similar concerns about some of the later steps, especially where we figure out how much greenhouse effect a world gets from its atmosphere based on its composition. I’m actually very happy with the way that procedure fits together overall – it models the evolution of an Earthlike world’s atmosphere very elegantly. However, the actual mini-model for greenhouse effect is again both ugly and not one I’m 100% confident in. So that might get some attention too.

So I’m going to set aside layout work on Architect for at least a few days, while I go off and do some of that redevelopment. In the meantime, I’m just one chapter away from the point in Twice-Crowned at which I was thinking another charged release of the interim draft for my patrons might be appropriate. So the last few days of April, I’m going to spend mostly on getting that chapter written and polishing up the last chunk of new material. Patrons should look for a charged release there, probably sometime on Sunday if all goes according to plan.

I also have another “bonus” book review I want to publish this month, but that will have to wait until I’m sure I can get this chunk of Twice-Crowned whipped into shape on time. if that doesn’t work out, at least I have a review ready to go early in May.

Review: Obelisks: Ashes, by Ari Marmell

Review: Obelisks: Ashes, by Ari Marmell

Obelisks: Ashes by Ari Marmell

Overall Rating: ***** (5 stars)

Obelisks: Ashes is the second volume of a duology, set after the world falls into a very unusual apocalypse.

In the previous volume, Obelisks: Dust, the crew of the International Space Station awakened one day to find themselves orbiting a shockingly changed Earth. Making their way back to the surface, they find most of the human species is simply gone, driven to madness and suicide by the mysterious obelisks which have suddenly appeared throughout the landscape. Even to catch a glimpse of one of the obelisks is to risk losing one’s mind, or worse. Only a few people have managed to survive in the wasteland that was once the state of Texas.

Our protagonist, once again, is Flight Engineer Cynthia Han. In the first book, Cynthia struggled simply to survive and help a few others, while fighting through a steadily progressing terminal illness. Now she has found other groups of survivors, including a large (and very well-armed) group which has its own sinister plans for the transformed world. With her own personal clock running out, Cynthia and her friends must solve the mystery of the obelisks, and see if they can secure a future for any human beings at all.

The first volume of this story was pegged as horror, but this second volume ventures into cosmic horror of Lovecraftian scope. Cynthia is a clever and determined woman, but she’s up against a plot billions of years deep that stretches far out into the depths of space. Her story remains difficult and bleak, and it’s not one that promises easy victories.

The first volume was mostly about setting up mysteries and plots, and this volume is mostly about resolving them. The suspense remains at a high level throughout, with reversals and surprises every few scenes. The conclusion is satisfying and wraps up all of the relevant plot threads, although it leaves the door cracked open for a sequel.

The prose style here is very clean. I caught one or two minor copy-editing errors this time, but not enough to pull me out of the narrative. Viewpoint discipline is good; there is a bit more shifting of viewpoint than in the first volume, but it’s all clear and well-marked. There’s a bit more exposition as well, but by and large it’s still embedded in dialogue and character action. Mr. Marmell’s form remains very good.

The story merits one clear content warning, over and above the general bleakness and violence of the plot. A supporting character proves to be in the grip of a pedophilic disorder, an element of his character that was foreshadowed in the first volume, but not made clear until now. His scenes in this volume can be disturbing to read, although – to be clear – they are not sexually explicit. Also, to be fair, the author isn’t using this narrative move simply for shock value; it does play a clear role in the plot.

As with the first volume, I tore through this story in a single sitting, and now I’m interested to see what else Mr. Marmell might be working on in the future. Very highly recommended.

Review: Quantum Radio, by A. G. Riddle

Review: Quantum Radio, by A. G. Riddle

Quantum Radio by A. G. Riddle

Overall Rating: **** (4 stars)

Quantum Radio is science fiction set in the present day, the first in what appears to be a planned series dealing with the “multiverse” concept.

Dr. Tyson Klein (“Ty” to his friends and family) is a scientist working at CERN, the European center for high-energy physics research. At the beginning of the story, he has made a remarkable discovery. The experiments running on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, are producing unexpected particles. What’s more, there appears to be a non-random pattern to these particles – as if someone, somewhere else in the universe, is sending a message.

Ty presents his findings to fellow scientists at CERN (and thus to the reader), hoping for funding and help to investigate further. Instead, when he returns home that evening, his apartment is bombed and he finds himself on the run from shadowy forces bent on killing him. Clearly his work has attracted attention from the wrong people, but who and why?

He soon finds allies, some unexpectedly familiar. With their help, he studies the LHC message and finds a way to interpret it. When they act upon the message, the story takes a sharp and rather unexpected turn . . .

Mr. Riddle’s prose style is immaculately clean, and he clearly had attention from a good editor; I didn’t notice a single copy-editing problem anywhere in the story. Exposition isn’t obtrusive, there’s no problem with tense or viewpoint discipline, both quiet scenes and action sequences flow very nicely. This is a very competent writer working at the top of his form. The story itself is certainly readable and fun, and I didn’t have any trouble getting through the novel in a couple of sittings.

Yet I also left the story mildly disappointed. The premise of mysterious messages from somewhere else in time and space, possibly leaning on the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics, isn’t a new one. Stories such as Greg Benford’s Timescape and James P. Hogan’s Thrice Upon a Time have walked this path before . . . and honestly, I couldn’t help but think that those classics did more with the premise than Mr. Riddle does here. The stakes here don’t seem as high, and the sense of wonder that can come from the best hard science fiction never quite materializes.

To me, Quantum Radio never managed to rise above the level of a simple adventure novel, sticking firmly to tropes that would be familiar to any Star Trek or Marvel Cinematic Universe fan. In fact, I suspect the purpose of this novel is to set up a series of similar adventure stories, taking advantage of recent audience awareness of the “multiverse” concept as driven by popular films.

So in general, I did enjoy Quantum Radio, finding it a fun adventure novel. I’ll certainly be interested to look for the sequels if and when Mr. Riddle releases those. On the other hand, if you’re looking for truly high-concept hard science fiction, with the sense of wonder such stories can provoke, you might want to manage your expectations with this one.

Review: Grimm Diagnosis, by Matt Golec

Review: Grimm Diagnosis, by Matt Golec

Grimm Diagnosis by Matt Golec

Overall Rating: **** (4 stars)

Grimm Diagnosis is the flawed but entertaining story of a present-day doctor, caught up in a land of fables and folktales.

Robert Lang is an American physician, who at the beginning of the story has somehow found himself in another world and is doing his best to adapt.

It’s a strange place! It looks like a medieval German village, with the appropriate level of technology (and personal hygiene). On the other hand, many of the inhabitants are odd to the point of eccentricity, there’s a plethora of princes and princesses about, and everyone seems to speak idiomatic 21st century American English. Strangest of all, Dr. Lang can match many of the villagers with characters out of German (and other) folk tales. His office assistant is a young man named Hans with a sister named Greta, he has dealings with a ruthless guild-mistress called the Godmother of the Fair . . . and the girlfriend he has acquired since arriving seems to be a grown-up Red Riding Hood.

Dr. Lang struggles to make a place for himself, offering what little medical care he can without modern reference books or tools. At first, his biggest worries seem to be competition from the local guild of barber-surgeons, and a spell that has every eligible girl in town competing for his attention. Then the world he came from begins to intrude further, first as simple stray objects, then in the form of people. Soon it becomes obvious that the contact between worlds is expanding, and the results may be disastrous.

Mr. Golec’s prose is fairly clean, although I thought the story could have used some editorial attention. I caught a few grammatical stumbles and other minor problems that a careful copy-editing pass might have fixed. This wasn’t enough to pull me out of the story, but it was noticeable.

The biggest problem I had with Grimm Diagnosis was an oddity of its story structure. Dr. Lang, our viewpoint character, is an oddly passive protagonist. He doesn’t solve the mystery of what’s happening around him. Indeed, he seems barely to notice some aspects of it until other characters call them to his attention. His decisions and actions seem to have little effect on the conflicts of the story. Even his relationship troubles with his girlfriend seem to be resolved more on her initiative than his.

Dr. Lang is certainly a sympathetic character. He has plenty of moral integrity, and his devotion to the well-being of his patients and his adopted community is admirable. Still, he’s not a very active character. Some of this is likely due to the fact that most of the story is framed as a comedy; a comedic protagonist can often be more the victim than the instigator of the plot. Still, I occasionally found myself wishing for him to do something about his situation, rather than letting everyone else in the story do all the hard work of advancing the narrative.

Despite its flaws, I enjoyed Grimm Diagnosis, and found it a light and entertaining read. Highly recommended if you enjoy light-hearted portal fantasy.

Review: Augment Nation, by Scott Overton

Review: Augment Nation, by Scott Overton

Augment Nation by Scott Overton

Overall Rating: ***** (5 stars)

Augment Nation is a science-fiction novel of the old school, portraying the collision of all-too-human characters with plausible new technology, along the way serving as a chilling cautionary tale.

Our story begins about a decade from now. David Leiter is a fourteen-year-old boy, critically injured in an automobile accident. He suffers serious brain injury, and develops a condition called visual agnosia, an inability to process or recognize visual stimuli. He can still see, but he has lost the ability to interpret what he sees, identifying objects or recognizing faces. Luckily, he is selected to receive a radically experimental treatment – a computerized implant to augment his brain’s natural functions.

At first the implant only operates to mitigate David’s agnosia, but over time he learns to use it for other purposes: logging into wireless networks, browsing the Internet, mastering computational skills, and so on. Unfortunately, these new abilities also come with a heaping dose of alienation. His peers notice his social awkwardness, missteps with young women earn him a poor reputation, and authority figures punish him for suspected unfair advantages.

Only once David graduates from high school – taking some revenge against the worst of his tormentors on the way out – is he able to start building a worthwhile life of his own. He moves to university, taking the new name of Damon and setting aside his miserable adolescence, and life begins to improve dramatically for him. His implants are upgraded with new hardware and software, providing him with still more new abilities. His skills turn out to be a boon in academia and employment, he becomes less socially inept, he even finds ways to build healthy relationships with women. For a few years, he moves from success to success.

Yet slowly, Damon realizes that the gift of his computer implants has not come without a price. Someone is watching his progress, even after he has taken steps to avoid being monitored. Technology that was tested on him is being deployed to more and more people . . . and it becomes plain that shadowy corporate and government interests do not have any individual’s best interests at heart.

Mr. Overton’s prose style is very clean; I noticed one or two formatting issues in my e-book copy, but nothing to pull me out of the story. He exercises very good viewpoint discipline. The story does need quite a lot of exposition, but none of it is clumsy or obtrusive, almost entirely arising through Damon’s understanding of the world. This is a very well-crafted novel as far as the mechanics are concerned.

David (Damon) has a compelling story with some very credible challenges. Augment Nation isn’t just an exploration of plausible future technology, it’s a story about individuals caught up in the machinations of unscrupulous power. There are those in the story who would gladly use the new technology to lie and manipulate the public, and Damon’s confrontations with them are downright frightening. In the end, the story isn’t just recounting a personal odyssey, it’s describing a potential failure mode for civilization itself. Once I finished this novel, I found myself much more skeptical about the prospect of brain-machine interface technology than I was before I began.

One minor advisory for the reader. Augment Nation is about, among other things, a teenage boy discovering the potentials of new technology. As we might expect, some of the applications he finds have to do with sex, with all the awkwardness any young man might experience! The story is often frank, although never explicit. I found none of this material offensive, although some of Damon’s experiences were mildly uncomfortable to read about; your mileage may vary.

I thoroughly enjoyed Augment Nation, and it left me wanting to read more of Mr. Overton’s work. Very highly recommended if you enjoy believable near-future science fiction with some rather disturbing implications.