Architect of Worlds – Step Nineteen: Determine Blackbody Temperature

Architect of Worlds – Step Nineteen: Determine Blackbody Temperature

The blackbody temperature of a world is the average surface temperature it would have if it were an ideal blackbody, a perfect absorber and radiator of heat. Real planets are not ideal blackbodies, so their surface temperatures will vary from this ideal, but the blackbody temperature is a useful tool for determining a variety of other surface conditions.

In particular, the blackbody temperature is useful in determining what atmospheric gases the world can retain over billion-year timescales. Simple thermal escape (also called Jeans escape) isn’t the only mechanism by which a world can lose atmospheric gases, but it is a strong influence on the stable mass and composition of the atmosphere.

In this step, we will compute the blackbody temperature and the M-number for the world under development. The M-number is equal to a minimum molecular weight that can be retained over long timescales.


To determine the blackbody temperature for a world, evaluate the following:

T=278\times\frac{\sqrt[4]{L}}{\sqrt R}

Here, L is the current luminosity of the primary star in solar units, R is the orbital radius of a planet (or the planet that a satellite orbits) in AU, and T is the blackbody temperature in kelvins. Note that the blackbody temperature will be the same for a planet and all of its satellites.

To estimate the M-number for a world, evaluate the following:

M=\ 676300\ \times\frac{T}{K\times R^2}

Here, T is the blackbody temperature, K is the world’s density compared to Earth, R is the world’s radius in kilometers, and M is the M-number. Round the result up to the nearest integer.


Alice computes the blackbody temperature and the M-number for Arcadia IV and Arcadia V:

WorldOrbital RadiusMassDensityRadiusBlackbody TemperatureM-Number
Arcadia IV0.57 AU1.081.046450 km281 K5
Arcadia V0.88 AU0.650.925670 km226 K6

Comparing both planets to Earth (with a blackbody temperature of 278 K and an M-number of 5), Alice finds that both of these worlds are somewhat Earthlike. Arcadia IV is just a little warmer than Earth, while Arcadia V is significantly colder.

Both worlds seem likely to have atmospheres broadly similar to that of Earth. An M-number of 5 or 6 indicates that a planet can easily retain gases such as water vapor (molecular weight 18), nitrogen (molecular weight 28), oxygen (molecular weight 32), and carbon dioxide (molecular weight 44) against simple thermal escape. It’s possible that other factors will impact the atmospheres of these worlds, but for now, Alice is satisfied that she still has two somewhat hospitable environments to use in her stories.

2 thoughts on “Architect of Worlds – Step Nineteen: Determine Blackbody Temperature

  1. Just out of curiosity, what happens if you’re orbiting an A-B or B-C or C-D pair? Do you replace L^(1/4) with (La+Lb)^(1/4) ?


    1. Yes, that’s correct. In general, I haven’t worked much on the case where a planet is orbiting a binary pair – that will probably be a sidebar or an add-on section in the final draft.

      The likelihood of a habitable world in such a case is kind of slim, but it’s entirely possible. We’ve already detected exoplanets in that kind of arrangement.

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